McGill, Arts Multimedia Language Facility (AMLF) - Lab 3

Friday 14h-17h, 13 May 2005

Tom Cobb – Linguistique UQAM


Building varied, level-appropriate, resource-linked online reading activities for language learners with Compleat Lexical Tutor




          WWW is full of reading materials

          WWW is full of excellent learning tools


                   Reading materials are not reading activities

          Reading materials often need adaptation

          Tools are not linked to materials


                   Find, adapt & link your own reading activities

                   Lextutor can reduce the labour


B. TASK SHEET (also at


·        Each task element has a Watch and a Do part

·        Watch at table, Do at workstations


1. Make and name a folder on your desktop


2. Go to Compleat Lexical Tutor,


3. Find a text of size and topic appropriate to some learners you know

     BookBox [   ]

     Save to a folder on your desktop

     Use mouse to copy out the part you want

     This you Save As a TEXT file also in the folder


4. Run this text through VocabProfile to check its level

     Vocabprofile [  ]


5. Take a Vocabulary Levels Test to understand the levels of a VP

     English / French [  ]


6. Use this information to modify your text so it is feasible but challenging

     … And re-save as TEXT


7. Build a resource linked reading activity

     Hypertext Builder [  ]    


8. Build two types of cloze activity

     Clozes [  ]


9. Build a spelling activity

     List Tool [  ]

     Dictator [  ]


10. Enter words into a vocabulary database

     Group Lex

And from there generate other activities…


Dictator and Group Lex are not yet fully adapted for French

Into research?