Instructional adptation of linguistic & cognitive technologies
Data-Driven Learning
Computer assisted learning
Internet programming (Perl, Javascript, PHP)
Development education (Mideast, Africa)
Technology transfer and integration
Output Summary 1997-
70+ peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters in educational technology, literacy education, or applied linguistics, including (with overlap) 30 empirical studies (some multi-part with computer software), 7 theoretical studies, and 6 book reviews; 38 peer-reviewed conference presentations; 20 invited plenaries; a multi-plane interactive Website which accesses data-driven learning tools and principles for learners, teachers, course developers, and researchers worldwide attracting 10,000+ pages/day, 15,000+ individual visitors/week.
Université du Québec à
Montréal 1998-2015 Professor, dép de linguistique et de
didactique des langues
1997-1998 Coordinator of English sector, Ecole de langues
LAN 2140 Intermediate English Reading
LAN 3140 Advanced English Reading
LAN 4150 Advanced Literacy for TESL teachers LIN 1232 Teaching Speaking & Listening LIN 2330 Teaching Reading and Writing
LIN 2340 Advanced English Grammar
LIN 3345 Second Language Acquisition
LIN 4410 Language Teaching & Technology
LIN 2131 Communication Technologies in the Teaching of ESL
LIN 6310 Testing and Evaluation
LIN 3334 Text
LSM-5210 Supervision of internship for adult ESL learners
LNS-2103 Supervision of internship for primary ESL learners
LNS-2xxx Supervision of internship for secondary ESL learners
LIN-2236 Teaching English Vocabulary
Program development; online testing (1997-2006); supervision of contract instructors; technology committee; several hiring committees in both Dept. de Linguistique et de didactique des langues and in Ecole de langues; co-organizer for guest speakers, 1999-2004; webmaster for Departmental Website, 2001- (including a major restructuring in 2007); member of Comité des programmes en enseignement des langues secondes (2005-); member of Comité des programmes d'études (2007-); member of member of Comité d'attribution des bourses (UQAM) (2007-2008).
External Service 1998-2015
Regular reviewer for
Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D)
Canadian Modern Language Review
Language Learning
Language Learning & Technology
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Journal
Occasional reviewer for
Language Testing
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Oxford University Press
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
SSHRC (Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada)
FQRSC (Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture)
Developer of The Compleat Lexical Tutor ( Website, which is consulted by 1500+ learners, teachers, and researchers every weekday and night worldwide and is cited regularly in research publications and presentations at major conferences.
Webmaster for ACLA-CAAL website Nov 04 - June 2005; Co-Webmaster for AAAL conference website 1999; language and technology strand coordinator for AAAL 1999; reviewer for AAAL 2000; reviewer for AI-Ed 99 conference submissions.
External examiner for PhD or MA dissertations at Université de Montréal (June, 2000, PhD; May 2011, PhD), University of Ottawa (April, 2005, MA), Carleton University (September, 2008, MA; and May 2011, MA), Haifa University, Israel (2010, PhD); Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (January 2013, PhD); Simon Fraser University, British Columbia (March, 2015, PhD)
External assessor for grant applications, Open University of Hong Kong (2001-2); SSHRC grant application (December, 2005); Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC, Montreal, January, 2010); Canada Research Chair, for the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI, Univ. Ottawa, March 2012); German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF, February, 2014); Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, P R China (January, 2015).
External evaluator for tenure and promotion applications Haifa University, Israel (November, 2002); Washington University in St Louis (October 2006); Brigham Young University (October 2006); Iowa State University (September 2007); Yarmouk University (Jordan, August 2008); University of Calgary (November, 2010); Ohio State University (November, 2011); University of Saskatchewan (August, 2015); Université de Montréal (July, 2016); Colorado STate University (July, 2018)
Adjunct professor McGill University, Dept of Education, 2006-2010
Submission reviewer for symposium Les nouvelles technologies et le traitement automatique des langues au coeur des dispositifs d'apprentissage, organised by le Groupe de Recherche en Ingénierie de la Langue (GRIL) de l'Université d'Ottawa (2005) for presentation at 72e Congrà¨s de l'ACFAS, Université du Québec à Montréal, 10-14 May 2005; SLA strand reviewer for AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguists) 2014 (Portland, Oregon).
Co-Editor for special volume on vocabulary research, for Canadian Modern Language Journal, 2005; Area Editor for Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Technology and Language, 2010-2012.
Supervision of local developers in design of a model curriculum for ESL years 7-9 in Madagascar
UNESCO-Bureau International de l'Education
Three 10-day series of workshops in curriculum deveopment (June, Oct, Dec - links above)
Curriculum Development for Pre-Service Teacher Education
Yangon, Myanmar
UNESCO-Bureau International de l'Education
Three 10-day series of workshops in curriculum reform (links above)
Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development, Nairobi
July 3-8
Brigham Young University
External Evaluator
Dept. of Linguistics and English language
Nov 5-7
Miami Dade College
2 Day Workshops - Professional Development
Oct 9 - 12
Temple University Japan
Distinguished Lecturer Series
Two week-end courses (Osaka and Tokyo)
Oct 27-28 and Nov 3-4
Temple University Japan
Distinguished Lecturer Series
[DLS site |
Two week-end courses (Osaka and Tokyo)
Mar 31 and April 1
Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Two-week grad course, Computing and vocabulary teaching
Dept. of Linguistics and Applied Language Study (LALS)
June 20 -July 14
Ontario Council on Graduate Studies
Evaluator for proposed MA Applied Linguistics, Brock University
January 6-9
McGill University, Montreal, Department of Education Vocabulary research and pedagogy;
summer graduate course.
May 4 to June 15; Tuesdays & Thursdays; 13:35 to 16:25
Concordia University, Montreal, TESL Centre; seminar on Educational Computing, as part
of a symposium for visiting Danish teachers Second language learning and research in
Canadian contexts.
ESRC Research Grant (Economic and Social Research Council, UK)
Cardiff University, Ref 50850
Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes (The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh): A community driven approach to linguistic corpus construction Under PIs Dawn Knight & Tess Fitzpatrick
March 2018 Newsletter (p. 5)
June 2012 - May 2015
SSHRC/CRSH Standard Research Grant RSO number: 1022255, Proj. numb.: 10002452, $60,000
Corpus linguistics: Investigating the development of academic literacy in grade 4 - 6 Under Principle Researcher Dr Hetty Roessingh, U. Calgary
2011 - 2014
SSHRC/CRSH Standard Research Grant May 2011, File 410-2011-2465, $103,119
Two paths to second language literacy: targeted word study and cross-linguistic awareness With Drs. Marlise Horst (Concordia) and Joanna White (Concordia)
FQRSC Regroupement Stratégique $26,325/year
(No. 2004-RS-87802) Infrastructure grant
CSLP (Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance)
2004 - 2005
TESOL International Research Foundation
Priority Research Grant US$ 20,880
With Marlise Horst (Concordia) and Diane Schmitt (Nottingham) A comparison of computerized and traditional techniques for learning academic vocabulary [Proposal summary] [TIRF site]
Submitted 2004
Strategic Research Clusters Grant / Réseaux stratégiques de recherche
Language Acquisition
SSHRC/CRSH Crago, Spada, Genesee, Bialystock, principals
Visit website
2001- 2005
CSLP - Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance
(CEAP - Centre d'études sur l'apprentissage et la performance)
Concordia University, Principal investigator, institutional representative [Visit site]
CIRTA (Centre Interuniversitaire de recherche sur le Téléapprentissage)
Regular researcher [Visit site]
ORà‰ (Observatoire des Réformes en à‰ducation)
Regular researcher [Visit site]
410-2000-1283) $69,000 Language awareness of
Quebec TESL trainees: Implications for teacher training (With Lori
Morris, TESL Centre, Concordia University, Montreal)
[Plan and update] [Final report]
Z-214-CB9-8-5) $16,706 Fonds spéciaux nouvelles
chercheures, nouveaux chercheurs La récherche des besoins
lexicaux en anglais par les étudiants d'anglais langue seconde au Québec.
In press/review/preparation
Cobb, T. (2024). Wordlists in data-driven learning. In McCallum, L. & Tafazoli, D. (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Learning. Springer
Cobb, T. (2024). Constructivism 2024 (PREPUBLICATION -update of 2011 Encyclopedia Lang. & Ling. piece, below)
Boulton, A., Vyatkina, N., & Cobb, T. (2024) Pre-publication - Update of Classroom applications of corpus analysis (2015) In Reppen & Biber, 2nd edition, forthcoming.
Cobb, T., Lindqvist, C., & Ramnas, M. (in review). A French nuclear word family list
Cobb, T. (2018). Technology for teaching reading. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0444. (Full encyclopedia here)
Cobb, T. & Boulton, A. (2015). Classroom applications of corpus analysis. In D. Biber & R. Reppen, Cambridge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (pp.478-497). New York: Cambridge University Press. (Refs separate).
Cobb, T. & Horst, M. (2015). Learner corpora and lexis. In S. Granger, G. Gilquin, & F. Meunier (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 185-206). London: Cambridge University Press.
Cobb, T. (2014). A resource wish-list for data-driven learning in French, in H. Tyne, V. André, A. Boulton, C. Benzitoun & Y. Greub (Eds.), French through corpora: Ecological and data-driven perspectives in French language studies (pp 255-290) . Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars.
Cobb, T. (2009-2012). Language & Technology editor for forthcoming Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Gen. Editor Carol Chapelle, for 2012).
Cobb, T. (2010). Preface to Loft Hanté. In L. de Serres, Trousse pédagogique : Loft hanté (pp 18-24, biling.). Groupe ECP, Univ. du Québec à Trois-Rivières ).
Cobb, T. (2010). Instructional uses of linguistic technologies. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 3, 14-23 (Conference Proceedings for 3rd ELT Conference, "Tales out of School," May 5-8, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, N. Cyprus)
Cobb, T. & V. Stevens. (1996; reprint 2009). A principled consideration of computers and reading in a second language, in P. Hubbard, Ed., Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Vol II: CALL & language skills (Ch. 28, 204-229). New York & London: Routledge. [Critical Concepts Link | Volumes link]
Cobb, T. & Horst, M. (2004).
Is there room for an AWL in French? In P. Bogaards, P. & B. Laufer (Eds.), Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, Acquisition, Testing (pp. 15-38). Amsterdam: Benjamins. Whole book
Projet de maîtrise qualifiante (For a Master's allowing bilingual teachers qualified in other subjects to become ESL teachers to meet personnel demands of universal intensive English as proposed by Charest government of 2012; in French only).
ACFAS 2023
(Assn. Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des sciences)
With Christina Lindqvist and Marten Ramnas (Univ. Gothenburgh)
Université de Montréal, 12 May 2023 Enfin! Une liste de mots française fondée sur les familles de motsPPT
AAAL 2023 (submittedaccepted cancelled )
With Batia Laufer Derived Words in Texts: Effects of text level and word frequencyabstract
3rd International Symposium on Applied Linguistics Research
Prince Sultan University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
5-6 Nov 2022 (online)
Plenary : Data Driven Learning and the Arab learner : A particularly good match(ppt)
JAECS 48th Conference
Japan Assn of English Corpus Studies
2022 Oct 1 (by Zoom)
Plenary Workshop: Running a course on DDL principles with Lextutor
(see 1-hr video)
Conference Flyer here
University of Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
5-30 September 2022
Guest Lecture Series and Research Collaboration
Rationale, Development, and Use of a Familes Based Word List for French
24-27 August 2022, Fribourg, Switzerland
Language Learning Round Table
Families v. lemmas as the counting unit in pedagogical word lists
( abstract; ppt)
AAAL 2022, Pittsbugh
With Batia Laufer One family size does not fit all word lists (ppt )
Haifa Teachers' Conference, March
Lextutor for course design (poster)
Zoom conference
ASLA Annual Conference
Neuchatel Switzerland, June
Assoc. Suisse du Linguistique Appliqué
Data-Driven Course Design (See 'papers' 2020)
Institut de langue et civilisation française
Uni. Neuchatel, November
Corpus for courses
Invited lecture
BAWE 10-years-on symposium
Coventry University,London
What do learners actually do with a corpus?
plenary ppt | programme
University of Lorraine
Invited address
Lemma v family as unit of word counting (poster)
Broad v. Narrow Band Lexical Frequency Profiling
- v.4 / final version
Portland, Oregon
21 March 2017
Western University Vocab Group Canada, Stuart Webb org.
October, 2016
Vocab@Tokyo v.3; VP en français - découvertes
University of Gothenburg, Sweden 27-30 November, 2016
Guest Lecture Series
Vocab@Tokyo v.2; VP en français - découvertes
TALC 2016 Conference ( PPT)
(Teaching and Language Corpora)
Giessen, Germany
19 to 22 July 2016
Is learning French like learning the guitar? (Easy start, hard finish) Symposium La notion de compétence lexicale en didactique du lexique Colloque de l'AIRDF (ppt)
Montréal, 25-27 August 2016
GLoCALL 2015 Conference (Plenary, paper, & workshop)
Daejeon, South Korea
12 to 14 November 2015
Simon Fraser University, Dept of Linguistics Colloquium Series
Burnaby,British Columbia, March 12 Corpus Insights from Lextutor R&D, PPT, Handout
AAAL 2015, Toronto The shape of the French lexicon by frequency and coverage, PPT
AILA Assn. internationale de linguistique appliquée
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, August 10-15
(1) Vocab Symposium, Aug 13 Adopting corpus-based tools from English to other languages
(2) Meta/Synthesis Symposium, Aug 13, with Alex Boulton, Using corpora in language learning :A meta-analysis of effectiveness and efficiency
TALC (14th Teaching and Language Corpora)
Lancaster University, UK, July 21
With Alex Boulton, Assembling the data on data-driven learning: A meta-analysis of design issues and outcomes
SPEAQ Campus (Societé pour la promotion et l'encouragement de l'Anglais L2 au Québec - Students' Version)
Molson School of Business, 8 Feb 2014 Discussant - The role of technology in the ESL classroom
3rd International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies
University of Toronto, Mississauga
Feb 1, 2014
Opening Plenary, To Improve Learners' Proficiency and Accuracy - Does Research Have a Role?
AAAL 2013
Dallas, Texas - March 25-17
With Marlise Horst & Joanna White, Developing a useful measure of French-English cognate awarenessPPT
Sunshine State TESOL
Orlando, Florida Teachers' Top 10 Uses of a Language Corpus +PPT Workshop: Developing Web content with Lextutor
UQAM Ecole de langues - Journé d'étude - 21 mai Que savons-nous de la compétence lexicale en langues secondes et etrangà¨res? 10 façons d'utiliser un corpus de langue en classe de français
SPEAQ (Societé pour la promotion et l'encouragement de l'Anglais L2 au Québec)
Montreal, Hilton Hotel, 15 Nov 2013 Discussant - The role of technology in the ESL classroom
Vocab @ Vic
Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
19 December 2013
Plenary: A lot of banks: Can collocates tell them apart?
Learning Sciences Research Seminar McGill/Education
March 26 (Mon) 12-13h
Technology as applied research: Research findings are just step one
TESOL Conference Philadelphia, PA
March 29, Thurs, 13-15h45
Colloquium: Transitioning IEP students to university reading Talk: Technical vocabulary as a way into academic reading
March 30, Fri, 10-11h30
Colloquium: Using corpus resources and findings in ELT Talk: 10 uses of a million word corpus in ESL(ppt)
Yonsei (Korea) Corpus Symposium Seoul, March 31
Invited video greeting here
Pan-SIG / JALT (Japan Assn. of Language Teachers) Hiroshima, Japan
June 16-17
New Literacies: New challenges and opportunities for language learners [PPT | Video]
Learning French with a corpus [PPT]
Temple University Japan Distinguished Lecturer Series - October/November 2013
Osaka - weekend course - Oct 27-28.
Tokyo - weekend course - Nov 3-4
Concordia University, TESL Centre , October 14, all day
Workshop for Teachers: Developing a complete online ESL vocabulary course at any level with The Compleat Lexical Tutor
Association for French Language Studies (AFLS: WWW), Nancy, France, Sept 8-10
Invited plenary: A Resource Wish-List for DDL in French
AAAL 2011 Chicago, IL
Invited discussant for colloquium, The validity of vocabulary measures 27 March 2011
McGill CIRMMT (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
in Music Media & Technology )
and CRLMB (Centre for Research in Language, Mind and Brain)
WORKSHOP, Feb 19: What patterns in corpora can tell us about the organization
of music and language
Title of invited presentation: "Some things a corpus can tell us about a language" [PPT]
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
2011 APPLE Lecture (Applied Linguistics & Language Education) Feb 11, Invited Lecture: "How the language teachers of the world built a data-driven, web based learning tool"
Feb 11, Research colloquium: Frequency 2.0: Applying corpus research intelligently [ppt]
+ Interview with T.Coll. Grad Students (with links to video files)
Ontario TESL Association Feb 5, Wellington-Waterloo Winter PD Session [PDF]
Invited lecture: "Pathways through Lextutor: How language teachers combine routines"
TESL Alberta 2010 Past and future of Lextutor + workshop (PPT)
Nov 5, Edmonton
Sept 1-4, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Colloquium (B. Laufer) Researching vocabulary use: Insights from corpus analysis
With M. Horst & L. Collins: Teacher talk as lexical environment
( Abstract )
Sites: Conference |
Developing multidimensional methods for vocabulary assessment
May 20-21, Workshop, University of Stockholm
Invited Presentation: DDL 2.0: The challenge of homographs and frequent multi-words
Documents: Program | PPT
3rd Intl ELT Conference
May 5-7, Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, N Cyprus
Invited Plenary: Instructional Use of Cognitive Technologies
Sites: Conference | PPT
Séminaire RALI-OLST
Groupe Recherche appliqué en linguistique informatique
Mar 31
Université de Montréal Applying language technologies to problems in language instruction
(PPT )
AAAL 2010
Mar 5 - 8
Atlanta, GA Solving the homonyms problem in Vocabprofiles
(PPT | Handout)
SENECA COLLEGE, TORONTO Centre for Faculty and Staff Development
Feb 8, 2010, Newnham Campus
What's new on Lextutor?( PPT | Handout )
(Second Language Research Forum)
Oct 29 - Nov 1, Univ Michigan, E. Lansing
Invited Workshop: Making and using learner corporaConference Site | PPT
7th Bridging the Gap between Teaching & Learning
Oct 16, Education, Concordia, Montreal
Invited Workshop: Using Lextutor
Concordia Applied Linguistics Redsearch Group
Oct 13, Does Word Coach coach words? What was learned from a video game
Apr 10-12, Content & Language
CNA-Q, Doha, Qatar Language through content? Lessons from the past
AAAL 2009
Mar 20-24
Denver, Colorado Does Word Coach Coach Words?
Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico FONAEL (Foro Nacional de Estudios en Lenguas), Nov 9-12
Ponente Plenario (Plenary address) What happens if you DON'T teach vocabulary?UQROO |
University of Pittsburgh
Oct 3, Colloquium Series
Dept Linguistics/English Language Institute Does My Word Coach coach words?Series |
Centre de Formation de la Pointe-du-Lac
All-day workshop for CEGEP teachers: Teaching ESL with Technologies
With H. Roessingh (U. Calgary)
New York, NY, April
Poster: Vocabprofile for Kids
Docs: Handout | PPT
Washington University in St Louis
Invited lecture and workshop
Oct 22-23
St Louis, Mo
Lecture: Computing the vocabulary demands of L2 reading
Workshop: Multiplying the vocabulary supply with computing
Docs: Flyer | PPT
| Workshop
CNA-Q 2007 College of the North Atlantic - Qatar
August 22-23
Doha, Qatar
Title 1: Developing and Testing a Technical Word List: How and why PPT
Title 2: What has the Arab ESL learner taught us? PPT
AAAL 2007
April 21-24
Costa Mesa, California
Co-organizer of Invited Colloquium
(Conf site | Symposium PPTs)
Title: Getting the Word Out: Large-Scale Implementations of Vocabulary Research
AAAL 2007
Invited presentation
Title: Building Vocab Principles into a Mass-Distribution Video Game
TESOL Arabia 2006 (PDF Brochure,, PPT plenary, PPT workshop)
March 27, 2006
Invited plenary speaker, Vocabulary symposium Vocabulary Matters
Title: The old vocabulary, the new vocabulary, and the Arab learner
TCELT 2006 - "IT in ELT" (Brochure,
PPT, Newspaper)
Northwest University, Shenyang & Chinese University, Hong Kong
June 1-2 and 5-6, 2006
Invited plenary speaker
Title: Building on the strengths of the Chinese learner with IT
ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council UK )Seminar
"Testing and teaching vocabulary in a second language setting"
Centre for Applied Language Study, Swansea University, UK
June 8-9, 2006
Invited plenary speaker
Title: What's needed now in vocabulary testing?
Concordia Workshop for In-Service Language Teachers
Title: L2 reading on a computer screen: Why and how (Blurb)
October 2006
SLRF 05 (Website)
Second Language Research Forum
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York, Oct 7-9
Title: Advanced learners' use of cognates in receptive language processing
McGill University
AMLF - Arts Multimedia Language Facility
Montreal, May 13
Title: for French instructors (worksheet)
Iowa State CALL Club
(Carol Chapelle's Research Students)
Ames Iowa, May 1
Title: The case for computer-assisted extensive reading
TESL Ontario 2004
Research Symposium
Sponsor CCI (Canada Citizenship & Immigration)
Toronto, Nov 18-20
Title: Computer solutions to classic problems in L2 vocabulary acquisition - Abstract
University of MichiganEnglish Language Institute Brown Bag Series, 5 Oct 2004
Cracking the logical problem of building second lexicons
TELUQ - August 2004
Title: The Compleat Lexical Tutor for Translators
Two digital film sessions
For use in courses:
* TRA 4010 - La traduction vers le français : une introduction * TRA 4030 - Outils, ressources et environnements d'aide à la traduction
CALS Annual Vocab Acquisition Group (VARG) Research Symposium
Centre for Applied Language Studies, Swansea UK, July
Title: Francophones' cognate avoidance: How deep is it?Abstract | PPT
TESOL 2004
Long Beach CA, Mar 31 - Apr 3
(click Preliminary Program)
Invited pre-conference research symposium participant
Symposium: Researching instructional and learning processes of L2 reading.
Title: Computer solutions to classic L2 reading problems
SPEAQ Campus
Montreal, Jan 31 Ten things you can do with a text online.
Official Languages Programs
Montreal, Feb 1 Guided tour of online resources
Council of Ministers of Education/Conseil des ministres de l'éducation
Course Directors' Annual Meeting
Programmes Website
Atelier de formation pour les professeurs de langues
Université de Montréal, 16 avril 9-12
Apprendre du vocabulaire à l'aide d'un ordinateur en réseau [ Affiche ]
Literacy Without Borders
3rd Pan-African Conference on Reading for All
Kampala, Uganda, August Internet & literacy in the developing world: Delivering the teacher with the text.
SITSAT Montréal
3e Colloque régional pour l'intégration des TIC à l'éducation des adultes
Centre Clément,
Comission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys
23 mai 2003 Using The Compleat Lexical Tutor's builder routines with your learners.
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
Chicago, 23-25 April
(With Lori Morris) Vocabulary profiles as predictors of the academic performance of TESL trainees.
AAAL (American Assoc. of Applied Linguists)
Washington DC The last word in resource-assisted reading.
McGill EGSS (Education Grad. Students Society) Conference
Directing the Winds of Change
November 9, 2002 Internet & literacy in the developing world.
TESL Nova Scotia
St Mary's University, Nova Scotia, November 15-16 2002
Plenary: Using IT to find and exploit i+1
TESL Alberta
University of Edmonton, Alberta, October 18-19 2002 (Conference site)
Plenary: Information technology for designing comprehensible input
AAAL 2002
American Association for Applied Linguistics,
April, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Expanding academic vocabulary with a collaborative online database (with Marlise Horst).
Vocabulary profiles as a predictor of TESL student performance (with Lori Morris).
Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Colloquium
University of Haifa (Israel) / Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Leiden, March 15-17, 2002, with Marlise Horst, (visit conference site.) Is there a GSL (General Service List) and AWL (Academic Word List) in French?
(Centre Interuniversitaire de recherche sur le Téléapprentissage)
Les Ateliers du Vendredi - 22 February 2002 Traduction du logiciel Compleat Lexical Tutor en français
YMCA Montreal Downtown, 11 December
Workshop for teachers Introduction to computer assisted language learning.
SPEAQ 2001
(Société pour la promotion de l'Anglais langue seconde au Québec) Ste-Hyacinthe, Québec, 3 November.
Using technology to pin down basic vocabulary and word banks in the MEQ's new curriculum.
Concordia-McGill Applied Linguistics Research Group Research update, 9 October.
IT-MELT'01, Hong Kong
(Information Technology and Multimedia in English Language Teaching,
HK Polytechnic University, 1-2 June) Growing an academic L2 lexicon with a collaborative online lexical database. [Visit conference site.]
Centre d'à‰tudes Professionelles, St-Jerà´me, Québec, April Frequency and language learning: Using The Compleat Lexical Tutor
à‰tudes francophones, multimédia et internet
Centre d'études francophones
Québec-Pacifique de Simon Fraser University Conférencier invité / Invited speaker [Visit conference site].
Translating data-driven language learning into French, March 8-10
AAAL 2001
St Louis, Mo., February 15 Two mysteries of vocabulary acquisition, with Nina Spada
Groupe de recherche en ingénierie de la langue
(GRIL), l'Université d'Ottawa Can the rate of lexical acquisition through reading be increased: An experiment reading French with online resources, November 22
Rencontre en sciences cognitives, UQAM Adaptations pédagogiques des outils cognitifs, September 15
Ecole de langues, UQAM, Journée techno-pédagogique Collaborative vocabulary with an online database, August 30
Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group, Swansea University,
UK Roles of frequency and context in vocabulary acquisition, July 10
Grammars of English, Concordia University Grammars of English: Workshop on connectionism, March 21
Second Language Workshop and Seminar Series, University of Victoria (BC) Data-Driven Language Learning On-Line, March 16
UQAM, Teaching ESL in Developing Countries, 3 February.
IT-MELT'99, Hong Kong
(Information Technology and Multimedia in English Language Teaching,
Polytechnic University, 6-7 November) Giving learners something to do with concordance output.
SPEAQ (Société pour la promotion de l'Anglais langue seconde au Québec) Toward a compleat on-line lexical tutor, 29 October.
CSLP Research Fair
Centre for the Study of Learning & Performance, Concordia Lexical access speeds for cognate and non-cognate words, 9 October.
AAAL 1999
Stamford CN
(American Association for Applied Linguistics) Vocabulary size tests: One size fits all?
RASCALS-SPEAQ (CEGEP Vieux-Montréal, January)
(Regroupement au service des Cegeps en anglais, langue seconde - Société pour la promotion de l'anglais langue seconde au Québec) Paradoxes of vocabulary acquisition
Seventh Annual ALC-GELI Convention, Havana
(Grupo de Especialistas en Lengua Inglesa de la Asociacià³n de Linguistas de Cuba, December). Vocabulary size tests.
CCALL3, Université Ste-Anne, Nova Scotia
(Third Canadian Conference on Computer Assisted Language Learning) Breadth and depth of word learning through concordancing, June.
McGill Language Research Group A gap in the lexicon: Hidden lexical needs of Francophone learners (with Ernie Bauer).
CSLP Research Fair
Centre for the Study of Learning & Performance, Concordia Connectionism - what it looks like, how it works, interpreting its output.
TESL Centre, Concordia Theory and practice of online language testing.
Concordia-McGill Applied Linguistics Research Group Development of an instrument for measuring lexical access speed: Effects of feedback and practice on access times.
1997 FLEAT III, Victoria BC (Foreign Language Education and Technology) The learner as lexicographer (with Marlise Horst).
CALICO From concord to lexicon: Development and test of a corpus-based lexical tutor.
Lancaster University, UK.
Workshop/demonstration: Can concordance software be made learner-friendly?
DYFFRYN conference on lexis Design for an empirical study of student concordancing.
TESOL 1996
Teaching English as a Second or Other Language, Chicago Demonstration of TEXPERT v.3 text-manipulation software.
Final migration of 1996 Texpert project to Web (full-sized corpus of graded readers for learner-comprehensible concordances; full list-to-user-glossary facilitation at List_Learn; incorporation of PET*2000 activities like ID words); first of several planned sub-domains on own servers (e.g., for rapid dedicated concordance output (1 second per million words of search), to be followed by dedicated VP server and others); revamped concordancer with one interface for English, French, and German, plus greater emphasis on collocation search; full German corpus named Braun and based on Brown corpus; a SAVE option on major tutorial authoring pages (Hypertext 1, Hypertext 2, VP_Cloze, N-Word Cloze)to allow teachers to make and house work for their students on Lextutor; incorporation of more than 30 corrections and suggestion proposed by users; completion or improvement of several minor routines (Randomization, Group Lex, MultiConc).
Word family unit of analysis for VocabProfile and increasingly throughout the system; Hypertext Bulder output links to three Reading-Plus activities corresponding to Meara's three dimensions of lexical competence (form, meaning, access); output links between several related programs (e.g., Tex_Lex_Compare output is forwarded on to VP); Range analysis extends to user-input texts; Familizer changes any word list into a family list; Keyword analysis; Vocabprofile inputs expanded to calculate coverage of domain specific lists...
Multi-Concord + Quiz Builder
Provides either multiple concordances (e.g., for comparing behaviour of word pairs like shall and will) or multiple concordance exercise for learners (learners replace missing words from several contexts for the same word - a carryover from thesis work).
Spanish TTS
On request from Spanish instructors at U de Montréal, Spanish text-to-speech capacity has been added to Lextutor and integrated into Spanish Hypertext routine (others to follow).
Suite of text utilities Tag Stripper
To use web or other tagged texts for text analysis or input to Builder programs, the HTML tags may get in the way.
Story Concordance
A further development of the resource-assisted reading concept developed for Boule de Suif - clicked word shows not only dictionary-linked concordance for that word, but now also designates the chapters it will appear (has appeared) in, and in addition has made every word in the concordance itself clickable for further information.
Corpus Builder When building a corpus for example of learner writing, it may be necessary to join several files into one. This utility allows combination of ten files, which can in turn be assembled in groups of ten...
Word family analysis added to VocabProfile (French and English).
Video Cloze Teachers can make cloze passages with accompanying sound or RealPlayer video.
Reaction Speed Instrument
Related to the growing interest in access as a measure of lexical comptetence, this research instrument takes user inputs (e.g., words and non-words) and creates an experiment which captures user lexical decisions in milliseconds.
Text Concordance
Joining the several corpus concordance options on the site, this program lets users make a full concordance listing out of their own texts.
Phrase extractor
One of the discoveries of corpus linguistics that has impacted both general and applied linguistics
is the amount of string or phrase repetition in English (discussed in review of Alison Wray, above, and learner corpus study (both 2003). The discovery came with computational analysis of large corpora,
using software that remains generally unavailable. This routine gives users the general idea with their own (modest sized) input texts. Also in French.
By user request, finer categories or frequency analysis have been made available (mainly in the 1000-word level, including function and content, 0-500 and 501-1000). A French version has been developed (described in Cobb & Horst, In press, see above).
Vocab stats
By user request, simple statistics routines often used in lexical studies (descriptive, t-test, correlation,
and Chi-square) have been adapted and included on the site and adapted to typical uses (for example, Vocabprofile comparisons by Chi-square are set up specifically for this purpose).
Vocabprofile Cloze Builder
Teacher or learner's text is transformed into a deletion exercise focusing on words at one of six frequency levels.
Homework assembler
By teacher request, an input system that allows students to contribute their assignments to a collective database and view each other's contributions conveniently.
N-Word Cloze Builder By teacher request, a version of cloze builder that allows any text entry, auto-link to several additional information sources, related sound file if available, and split-screen for longer files so sound and answer-checking controls remain visible at all times. Also in French.
Group Lex v.4
Following user studies in several sites world-wide (College Militaire St-Jean; UAE University, Dubai; Hong Kong University, Cont. Ed, Concordia, Ecole de langues, UQAM) a number of modifications have been made:
Teacher editing facility
Intermediate screen allowing student preview and edit
Separation of entry and presentation screens to block double entries
Text-to-Speech for all words in database by click or drag for both words and phrases.
Additional Hypertext Builders
Builders have now been joined by several resource options, including the new Cambridge Advanced learner dictionary and a bilingualized Chinese dictionary. User links own text to a wide variety of reading resources including text-to-speech which can be accessed by clicking.
Bilingual (parallel English-French) capacity is added to site generally (75% complete at January 2002)
Suite of bilingual for-teacher resources under development including
HYPERBUILDER - a make-your-own hypertext system which transforms user's text into a hyper-document linked to
click-on resources (bilingual).
Export Lexical
Database. Stripped down PHP based version of lexical database developed for TESL-298 (below and
described in Horst & Cobb, 2001) now available for free distribution (in use Hong Kong University project,
November, 2001).
COMPLEAT LEXICAL TUTOR. Online successor to
PET*2000 (1995) system for vocabulary expansion. Full diagnostic tests,
concordance-linked frequency lists with progress tests, full length texts with R-READ
resource pack, frequency analysis software, full concordancing facility, and supporting
research documents.
Class website for LIN-9960,
Introduction to connectionist models of language acquisition and processing.
Class website for LAN-4150,
Advanced reading and writing for ESL teachers - includes lexical database (group lex) and student
A 50-minute placement test
measuring skills in three areas, in multiple choice and written format; paired
with analysis routine which also performs ongoing item analysis. In three
versions: general English, English for TESL trainees, and English for Specific
Purposes (Dép. du tourisme et le hà´tellerie, UQAM). Basis of research reported
in Cobb (2000).
1995 PET*2000
Successor to PET*200; a corpus and concordance-based lexical tutor especially modified to introduce
lower-intermediate learners to 2000 new words in multiple contexts.
Database where students can store/review/test themselves on words and contexts they have culled from
PET*2000 corpus; includes set of five learner-designed practice activities.
1994 PET*200
A word list-driven subset of Texpert, adapted to introducing learners to 200 high-frequency words in multiple contexts through five practice activities of increasing complexity.
Two full-length, four-skill, multimedia versions of Cambridge University's Preliminary English Test (PET).
A vocabulary review tutor accessing a large database of words each fitted to a definition and example.
A parallel version of Texpert running in the Macintosh Arabic system.
Cognitive simulations
Using an algorithm of a few lines, this program simulates a common student strategy for answering reading comprehension questions, namely to find the clause in the text matching the greatest number of content words in the question and offer this as the answer. Program outcomes not significantly different from those of human learners.
This program performs phrase-structure question transformations through a simple all-purpose chunking
algorithm, casting doubt on the need for specific innate knowledge in language learning.
This program simulates teachers' strategies and criteria for grading elementary written compositions, producing outcomes not significantly different from those of human instructors. It shows either how much a machine can do - or else how little some teachers do!
The program generates random strings of words, and a human operator teaches it which of these are acceptable English sentences. In a time the program generates almost entirely correct,
novel sentences, showing how easily syntax can be acquired if negative evidence is provided.
Research-oriented software
To 2001, then incorporated into (above)
Text analysis program that breaks any text into lexical divisions (GSL, UWL, others) following research of Nation and
colleagues. Like Nation's program VocabProfile, but available online and allowing colour as well as numeric visualisation of output.
Also French version (2013)
Subjects inspect one of several dozen line drawings, then answer multiple choice questions drawing either a semantic or a grammatical distinction. Of particular interest is Francophone children's skill with his/her distinctions, as compared to their skill with semantic distinctions. The program records RT in milliseconds (from presentation of question to answer) and correctness of response. Developed for use in a doctoral project.
Self-report instrument that
presents content words from a specified text for subject to indicate present
knowledge of (0=I have never seen word, 1=I have seen word but do not know its
meaning, 2=I think I know its meaning, 3=I know its meaning and can use it
productively). Use reported in Horst, M.,
& Meara, P. M. (2000), Test of a model for predicting second language
lexical growth through reading, Canadian Modern Language Review.
Text analysis program for Macintosh that breaks
any text into lexical divisions (GSL, UWL, others) following research of Nation and
colleagues. Like Nation's VocabProfile, but allows inspection of process rather
than merely result, and runs on Macintosh rather than PC computers. Partially adapted for
French as of January 1999.
Gathers data from students' right
and wrong answers to receptive questions on an online test, producing a facility
index for each question.
Students see either real English
words or random string of letters, press a Yes or No key when they have decided,
and computer records RT (reaction times) in milliseconds. Adaptable to numerous
types of wordlists and feedback conditions.
Texts are analysed for their composition in terms of percentage of words at the 2000 frequency level, at the academic discourse level, or beyond either level.
A data-reduction program for making sense of large amounts of dribble-file data generated by students using CALL programs.
Maria Zirkly, Les dictionnaires monolingues, bilingues et semi-bilingues en FLS : usage, niveaux des apprenants, effets sur l'apprentissage
Valentin Ovtcharov, Lexical correlates of success in civil service oral interviews (MA)
Natacha Bergeron, When can cognate awareness be taught? (MA)
Nancy Hebert, Francophone learners' cognate recognition and processing in and out of context (MA)
Hsing Fei Huang, Breadth vs. depth of lexical knowledge as predictor of reading ability? (MA, McGill, co-directed with Carolyn Turner).
Delian Gaskell, Can and will elementary ESL learners use concordance information to correct their own written errors?
Tim Dougherty, An investigation of the dual mechanism model of past tense formation: Does it apply to non-native speakers? (MA, McGill, co-directed with Carolyn Turner).
Rick Zahar, Examining conditions of incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition through reading. (MA,
completed September 1999, McGill, co-directed with Nina Spada).
Diploma in French language and linguistics, Univ. de Paris - Sorbonne, 1983
Modern standard, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, 1989.