MORPHOLEX lists all the regular inflectional + derivational affixes in the families of a text or word list according to
Bauer & Nation's (1993) framework of morphological complexity.
'Regular' here means attached to an identifiable base word, or free morpheme, like quick + ly, but not gorm + less, because gorm* is not a word. This routine is a 'profiler' in that like VP it gives a percent of tokens at each level and the specific affixes needed to achieve 95% and 98% coverage in the list/text. The present accuracy for this routine is average
95% 98% 99.1%.
Research: Read
a 2020 study using this routine
Demos: Short example texts are in the menu below; click these links >>> to get larger texts used in the study to copy/paste and replicate (
in 10,000 word segments, which need c.20 seconds each, lists more) -
Applied Linguistics Laufer,
text of VST (Vocab Size Test),
Academic Writing BAWE Economics sub-corpus,
Academic Speech BASE Arts seminars sub-corpus,
Press Murphy,
Fiction Gatsby (complete),
Simplified fiction Lord Jim
or many other graded stories for copy-paste from
NEW Sept '23 » See morpholex profile summary records
NEW Jan '25 » Size Limits: 10,000 words text; 5,000 lists (>25 secs for either); program will chop to max, use controls to reduce input & run again, copy-paste data or auto-collect summaries.