Coverage Calculator v.2 +FRENCH The percentage of words in a corpus that are covered by the words in a list |
This program calculates how many times the words on a list appear in a corpus. A list of the 2000 most common word families is often said to 'cover' up to 80% of the individual words in a general corpus of English - i.e., 80% of the words in the corpus will be words from that list. || Treatment of proper nouns is a checkbox option.|| Headword lists can be expanded into family/lemma lists here || List coverage in texts can be calculated here (Demo 7). || Known max of this routine mid-2020: 13k wds in list x 2.5m wds in corpus
RESEARCH: > 1. Nation (2006) 2. Laufer Ravenhorst (2010) 3. Schmitt Jiang Grabe (2011) 4. Schmitt Cobb et al (2015) 5. Cobb Laufer (2021)