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Law words, 14 Jan 25, 6:50


1pledge 4 The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the regionNa solemn promise to do or stop doing something2022.06.05 12:33
2charity 3 She was working as a volunteer at a homeless charityNA charity is an organization which raises money in order to help people who are sick or very poor, or who have a disability.2022.06.05 12:31
3warehouse 4 Goods were continuously delivered to the company's warehousesNa building for the storage of goods or merchandise.2022.06.05 12:22
4wastage 1 a series of measures to prevent the wastage of waterADJloss by use, wear, decay, or wastefulness2022.06.05 06:43
5huge 1 The book was a huge success.ADJgigantic - very great - - extraordinary2022.06.05 06:35
6huge 1 a huge ship - - The book was a huge success.ADJextraordinarily large in size, weight, quantity, or area - - gigantic - very great - - extraordinary2022.06.05 06:33
7wastage 1 a wastage of over 50%. - measures taken to reduce wastageNloss by use, wear, decay, or wastefulness2022.06.05 06:29
8figure 1 a figure that was more than we could afford.NMathematics:a symbol for a number - an amount or value expressed in numbers: - a figure that was more than we could afford. - figures,2022.06.05 06:28
9grocer 2 Asian food grocers are good places to find more exotic ingredients not available in your local supermarket.Nthe owner or operator of a store that sells groceries.2022.06.05 06:23
10backlash a backlash by voters to rising property taxes.Na strong negative reaction, as to some social or political change:2022.06.05 06:19
11pledge 4 a pledge of economic aid to the newly independent countries.Na solemn promise to do or stop doing something2022.06.05 06:17
12compostable Shops like Berlin's Original Unverpakt and London's Bulk Market are plastic-free shops that have opened in recent years, encouraging customers to use their own containers or compostable bags.ADJa mixture of decaying plant or animal matter used for fertilizing soil.2022.06.05 06:16
13citizenship 2 I’m applying for Canadian citizenship.Nthe legal right to be a citizen of a particular country - 2022.05.30 06:03
14politician 2 The citizens decided to write a letter to the politiciansNsomeone who has a job in politics, especially a Member of Parliament2022.05.30 05:59
15policy 2 What's the party policy on immingration?Na set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, political party, business, or other group2022.05.30 05:44
16council 2 The new planning was rejected by the councilNthe elected officials who govern a local area such as a city or county2022.05.30 05:43
17union 2 We live in the European UnionNa group of states or countries that join together or a group of states or countries under the control of one government - 2022.05.30 05:41
18border 3 You can’t cross the border without a passport.Nthe official line separating two countries or regions - 05:35
19 determine 2 The date of the election has yet to be determined.Vto settle, resolve, or decide (a dispute, etc.)2017.05.02 07:43
20 discretion 3 His discretion let him be in a big trouble.Nthe quality of being careful about what you do and say so that people will not be embarrassed or offended2016.11.20 20:55
21 stipulation 6 In the contract, there was a stipulation that she could not keep a pet in the apartment.Nrules to limit people's actions 2016.09.28 01:31
22 destiny 4 It is my destiny one day to be king.Nsomething related to all life and people can't avoid 2016.09.28 01:21
23 scanty 6 So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.ADJnot enough, only a little and unqualified2016.09.28 01:18
24 rightful 1 he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.ADJwith a legal or moral claim to some thing owned by somebody who has a right to it considered to be right and fair.2016.09.27 13:32
25 perceive 3 The police perceived the different general between the relationship of suspect and victim.Vrealize2016.09.27 13:29
26 prosecutor 3 The prosecutor has caught a lot of criminals since 2010.Na government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state2016.09.27 13:01
27 sanction 3 She received a sanctionNIt is a punishment as result a action 2016.09.26 08:37
28 political_party 2 He created his own political_partyNIt is a people meeting with political propouse2016.09.26 08:35
29 squirrel 6 I love my fatty squirrel.Na small, bushy-tailed rodent that lives in trees and eats nuts. - 2016.09.21 22:24
30 splash 4 He knew the meaning of every sound in the trees, of every song of the birds, of every splash in the water.Vto wet or soil by dashing masses or particles of water, mud, or the like; spatter2016.03.21 00:38
31 rigidly 4 My father is very rigidly in his thinking.Adv Laws, rules, or systems that are rigid cannot be changed or varied, and are therefore considered to be rather severe.2015.11.09 21:57
32 legislation 3 Legislation is not in the President's power.Nthe act of making or enacting laws2015.04.16 19:08
33 decried 10 She decried the way he treats her.VTo express strong disapproval.2015.04.16 15:15
34 squarely 1 The boss dealt squarely with his staffs. Advdirectly and without evasion; not roundabout2015.03.26 18:18
35 licence 2 I got my driving licence last week Na legal document giving official permission to do something 2015.03.10 09:33
36 demonstrate 3 All the people on the road demonstrate for cutting the new tax.Vtake part in a public meeting or march, usually as a protest or to show support for sth2015.03.10 09:32
37 abolish 5 The government wanted to abolish slavery because it wanted to treat all people as equal.Vto stop or remove a law or practice2015.03.06 14:39
38 judiciary 5 Some of them had held positions in the judiciary or local governmentNthe part of government that consists of all the judges and courts in a country. 2015.02.23 21:03
39 compensation 3 Compensation system is a blank area of law in China.Nmoney that someone receives because something bad has happened to them2015.02.23 21:02
40 compensation 3 Compensation system is a blank area of law in China.N money that someone receives because something bad has happened to them2015.02.23 21:00
41 judiciary 5 Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who chairs the Judiciary Committee that will conduct Sotomayor's confirmation hearing.Nthe part of government that consists of all the judges and courts in a country.2015.02.23 20:58
42 baron 5 He is a media baron who owns newspapers, television and radio stations, and even several cable networksNa man who is a member of various ranks of nobility in other countries2015.01.15 23:41
43 caveat 9 His investment advice comes with a caveat: that the stock market is impossible to predict with absolute accuracy.Nan explanation or warning that should be remembered when you are doing or thinking about something2015.01.15 23:35
44 entitlemen 3 He is a celebrity who have an arrogant sense of entitlement.Nthe condition of having a right to have, do, or get something2015.01.15 23:30
45 probe 3 The FBI probe did not produce any new evidence.Na careful examination or investigation of something2015.01.15 23:19
46 halt 3 They put a halt to the rumors.Nthe stopping or ending of movement, progress, or action2015.01.15 23:18
47 reverence 5 Her poems are treated with reverence by other poets.Nhonor or respect that is felt for or shown to (someone or something)2015.01.15 23:14
48 irreverence 10 Certain sects of Islam consider a woman showing her face in public to be a gross irreverence.Nlack of reverence2015.01.15 23:13
49 irreverence 10 Certain sects of Islam consider a woman showing her face in public to be a gross irreverence.Nlack of reverence2015.01.15 23:13
50 cavalry 6 Cavalry is used to perform reconnaissance.Nthe part of an army that in the past had soldiers who rode horses and that now has soldiers who ride in vehicles or helicopters2015.01.15 23:08
51 amendment 3 The article as written requires only one factual amendmentNa change in the words or meaning of a law or document (such as a constitution)2015.01.15 22:32
52 vigilante 10 The danger of these self-appointed vigilantes is that they sometimes go after innocent people.Na person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals2015.01.15 22:27
53 inquisitor 11 He had to answer his inquisitors' questions or be thrown out of school.Na person who asks many difficult questions in a harsh or unkind way2015.01.15 22:26
54 presiding 5 Court is now in session, Justice Raul Fernandez presiding.Vto be in charge of something (such as a trial)2015.01.15 22:15
55 tactical 3 They gained a tactical advantage by joining with one of their competitors.ADJof, relating to, or used for a specific plan that is created to achieve a particular goal in war, politics2015.01.15 22:04
56 tenure 5 During his tenure as head coach, the team won the championship twice.Nthe amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title2015.01.15 21:41
57 grave 3 This violation of school rules is a grave matter.ADJlikely to produce great harm or danger2015.01.15 20:09
58 allegation 3 The police are investigating allegations that the mayor has accepted bribes.Na statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal2015.01.15 20:07
59 envoy 7 The president sent the secretary of state as his personal envoy to gain the support of the country's allies.Na person who is sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government2015.01.15 20:02
60 envoy 7 The president sent the secretary of state as his personal envoy to gain the support of the country's allies.Na person who is sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government2015.01.15 20:02
61 infantry 6 He joined the infantry after leaving school.Nthe part of an army that has soldiers who fight on foot2015.01.15 19:42
62 bureaucrat 4 The bureaucrats at the town hall seem to think that we need a building permit to build a tree house.Npeople who run a government or company and who does everything according to the rules of that government or conpany2015.01.15 19:15
63 treaty 3 By contrast, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon were merely patched together by treaty bureaucrats at around the same time—hardly a global imprimatur.Nan official agreement that is made between two or more countries or groups2015.01.15 19:13
64 allay 9 The new advertising campaign is an attempt to allay the public's concerns about the safety of the company's products.Vto make (something) less severe or strong2015.01.15 19:07
65 lineage 6 His Italian lineage was very important to him.Nthe people who were in someone's family in past times2015.01.15 19:04
66 axis 5 This is the Earth's axis of rotationNthe imaginary straight line that something (such as the Earth) turns around2015.01.15 18:54
67 refute 7 The lawyer refuted the testimony of the witness.Vto prove that (something) is not true2015.01.15 18:48
68 affiliate 4 Their group does not affiliate itself with any political party.Vto associate as a member 2015.01.15 18:34

Group Lex Extract © by Tom Cobb, UQAM
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