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0000SCRenee words, 14 Jan 25, 6:03


1culture 2 New York is a city of great culture. NArtistic and intellectual activities and products.2024.03.04 18:42
2 predator 4 For the sheep, wolfs are predator.Nany carnivorous animal2015.04.14 18:28
3 egocentric 12 Often an egocentric person will not be welcomed by others.ADJHaving/regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things:2015.04.14 18:27
4 reveal 3 This report reveals the biggest problem of this company.Vto make known; disclose; divulge: 2015.04.14 18:26
5 deficit 3 This company has a huge amount of deficit.Na lack or shortage; deficiency.2015.04.14 18:25
6 latter 3 Is the person pretending to be a beggar or truly need help? More likely the latter.ADJbeing the second mentioned of two2015.04.14 18:25
7 conjure 6 The girl conjured up herself as Cinderella.Vto affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell.2015.04.14 18:24
8 wary 5 His son open a slice of the door with a wary facial expression. ADJwatchful; being on one's guard against danger. 2015.04.14 18:23
9 swiftly 4 They will swiftly leave you behind by the nuts.ADJmoving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity; fleet; rapid: 2015.04.02 16:31
10 drought 5 Because there are three big lakes in this area, there is no guarantee against drought.Na period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops2015.03.30 22:51
11 invasive 8 Invasive species broke the balance of the local ecosystem.ADJcharacterized by or involving invasion; offensive: 2015.03.26 22:30
12 domestication 8 I don't think domestication is a good thing for wild animal.N - - to convert (animals, plants, etc.) to domestic uses; tame. 2015.03.26 22:26
13 liminal 14 This is a liminal zone,ADJof, relating to, or situated at the limen.2015.03.26 22:07
14 mainstream ? He wanted to present the mainstream of American culture, but I didn't get any useful information.Nthe principal or dominant course, tendency, or trend: 2015.03.25 01:05
15 mainstream ? He wanted to present the mainstream of American culture, but I didn't get any useful information.Nthe principal or dominant course, tendency, or trend: 2015.03.25 01:05
16 potentially 3 Her mother said the pollen may potentially be the source of her allergy. Advpossibly but not yet actually: 2015.03.25 01:03
17 safari 8 He needs a safari to satisfy his family needs.Na journey or expedition, for hunting, exploration, or investigation, especially in eastern Africa. 2015.03.25 00:59
18 polymerize 6 Through a five minutes reaction, all the cells polymerized together.Vto react or cause to react to form a polymer 2015.03.18 23:48
19 ultimate 3 Lhasa is his ultimate destination in his journey.ADJlast; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series: 2015.03.18 23:36
20 chamber 3 Balance is controlled mainly by two things: information received through our eyes and the chambers in the inner ear.Ncompartment or enclosed space2015.03.12 20:06
21 mother 1 My mother was 32 when I was born. - Na female parent.2015.03.10 09:37

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