1 | | profitable |
3 |
a professionally run and profitable company | N | (Of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain | 2015.01.16 05:48
2 | | investment |
3 |
a debate over private investment in road-building - | N | The action or process of investing money for profit | 2015.01.16 05:47
3 | | yield |
3 |
the land yields grapes and tobacco | N | Produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product) | 2015.01.16 05:46
4 | | submission |
5 |
they were forced into submission | N | The action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person: | 2015.01.16 05:45
5 | | authority |
3 |
he had absolute authority over his subordinates | N | The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience | 2015.01.16 05:44
6 | | obedience |
4 |
children were taught to show their parents obedience | N | Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority | 2015.01.16 05:44
7 | | subordinate |
4 |
his subordinate officers | N | Lower in rank or position | 2015.01.16 05:43
8 | | dependent |
1 |
the various benefits will be dependent on length of service | N | (dependent on/upon) Contingent on or determined by | 2015.01.16 05:42
9 | | mineral |
4 |
it identifies the mineral or compound present | N | A solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance: | 2015.01.16 05:40
10 | | composition |
3 |
the social composition of villages | N | e nature of something’s ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up: | 2015.01.16 05:39
11 | | concert |
3 |
a pop concert | N | A musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of several compositions: | 2015.01.16 05:38
12 | | explanation |
1 |
the birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends | N | A statement or account that makes something clear | 2015.01.16 05:37
13 | | reject |
3 |
union negotiators rejected a 1.5 per cent pay award | N | Dismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty | 2015.01.16 05:37
14 | | demonstrate |
3 |
their shameful silence demonstrates their ineptitude - | N | Clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence: | 2015.01.16 05:35
15 | | manifest |
3 |
her manifest charm and proven ability | N | Clear or obvious to the eye or mind | 2015.01.16 05:35
16 | | semiconductor |
? |
Excitons are created in semiconductors when a laser field promotes an electron from the valance band to the conduction band. | N | A solid substance that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals, either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature effects. | 2015.01.16 05:33
17 | | impurity |
2 |
a struggle to rid the soul of sin and impurity | N | The state or quality of being impure: | 2015.01.16 05:32
18 | | refine |
4 |
sugar was refined by boiling it in huge iron vats | N | Remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process: | 2015.01.16 05:32
19 | | cultivated |
4 |
he was a remarkably cultivated and educated man | N | Refined and well educated | 2015.01.16 05:31
20 | | pesticide |
5 |
Once volatilized, a pesticide can move in air currents away from the treated surface. | N | A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals. | 2015.01.16 05:30
21 | | environment |
2 |
survival in an often hostile environment | N | The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates | 2015.01.16 05:29
22 | | constitute |
3 |
lone parents constitute a great proportion of the poor | N | Be (a part) of a whole | 2015.01.16 05:28
23 | | inhabit |
3 |
a bird that inhabits North America | N | (Of a person, animal, or group) live in or occupy (a place or environment) | 2015.01.16 05:28
24 | | constitute |
3 |
lone parents constitute a great proportion of the poor | N | Be (a part) of a whole | 2015.01.16 05:27
25 | | preferential |
2 |
preferential interest rates may be offered to employees | N | Of or involving preference or partiality; constituting a favour or privilege | 2015.01.16 05:27
26 | | favour |
2 |
training is looked upon with favour by many employers | N | pproval, support, or liking for someone or something: | 2015.01.16 05:26
27 | | debt |
2 |
I paid off my debts | N | A sum of money that is owed or due | 2015.01.16 05:25
28 | | remit |
7 |
the excess of the sentence over 12 months was remitted | N | Cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment) | 2015.01.16 05:25
29 | | expiate |
15 |
their sins must be expiated by sacrifice | N | Make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing) | 2015.01.16 05:24
30 | | discard |
4 |
Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded | N | Get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable: | 2015.01.16 05:22
31 | | postal |
1 |
It is usual for governments to run the postal services | N | Relating to the mailing letters and pacels | 2015.01.16 05:21
32 | | audacity |
10 |
he whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan | N | A willingness to take bold risks: | 2015.01.16 05:20
33 | | condole |
9 |
the priest came to condole with Madeleine | N | Express sympathy for (someone); grieve with: | 2015.01.16 05:19
34 | | temerity |
13 |
no one had the temerity to question his conclusions | N | Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity | 2015.01.16 05:19
35 | | roughly |
1 |
the man picked me up roughly | N | In a manner lacking gentleness; harshly or violently: | 2015.01.16 05:17
36 | | jolt |
6 |
a surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards | N | Push or shake (someone or something) abruptly and roughl | 2015.01.16 05:16
37 | | plight |
6 |
we must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty | N | A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation | 2015.01.16 05:16
38 | | indelible |
10 |
an indelible marker pen | N | (Of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed | 2015.01.16 05:15
39 | | usefulness |
1 |
faults that affect the book’s usefulness | N | The quality or fact of being useful | 2015.01.16 05:14
40 | | independence |
3 |
Argentina gained independence from Spain in 1816 | N | he fact or state of being independent: | 2015.01.16 05:13
41 | | competition |
2 |
there is fierce competition between banks | N | The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others: | 2015.01.16 05:12
42 | | promote |
3 |
some regulation is still required to promote competition | N | Support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.); further the progress of: | 2015.01.16 05:11
43 | | philanthropic |
10 |
they receive financial support from philanthropic bodies | N | seeking to promote the welfare of others; generous and benevolent: | 2015.01.16 05:10
44 | | behalf |
4 |
he campaigned on behalf of the wrongly convicted four | N | In the interests of a person, group, or principle: | 2015.01.16 05:09
45 | | tap |
2 |
the air-supply tap | N | A device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled: - she turned the cold tap on | 2015.01.16 05:08
46 | | windmill |
? |
n the past windmills were used to grind corn into flour. | N | A building with sails or vanes that turn in the wind and generate power to grind corn into flour. | 2015.01.16 05:07
47 | | nickel |
8 |
Here we have ten coins: pennies, nickels, and dimes. | N | A silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 28. | 2015.01.16 05:06
48 | | obstinate |
9 |
her obstinate determination to pursue a career in radio | N | Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so: | 2015.01.16 05:05
49 | | incline |
4 |
he was inclined to accept the offer | N | (usually be inclined to/towards/to do something) Be favourably disposed towards or willing to do something: | 2015.01.16 05:04
50 | | rag |
5 |
a piece of rag | N | A piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things: - he wiped his hands on an oily rag | 2015.01.16 05:04
51 | | utterly |
4 |
he looked utterly ridiculous | N | Completely and without qualification; absolutely: | 2015.01.16 05:03
52 | | ravine |
9 |
I can hide from the patrols, using ravines and deep gorges. | N | A deep, narrow gorge with steep sides. | 2015.01.16 05:02
53 | | bleach |
6 |
a new formula to bleach and brighten clothing | N | Cause (a material such as cloth, paper, or hair) to become white or much lighter by a chemical process or by exposure to sunlight: | 2015.01.16 05:01
54 | | ringlet |
13 |
her hair fell loose in ringlets | N | A lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl: | 2015.01.16 05:00
55 | | ringlet |
13 |
her hair fell loose in ringlets | N | A lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl: | 2015.01.16 05:00
56 | | intent |
2 |
with alarm she realized his intent | N | Intention or purpose: | 2015.01.16 04:59
57 | | pendulum |
8 |
If I then release the weight the pendulum begins to swing. | N | A weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely, especially a rod with a weight at the end that regulates the mechanism of a clock. | 2015.01.16 04:59
58 | | apron |
6 |
a striped butcher’s apron | N | A protective garment worn over the front of one’s clothes and tied at the back | 2015.01.16 04:58
59 | | buggy |
8 |
a golf buggy | N | A small motor vehicle, typically with an open top: | 2015.01.16 04:58
60 | | chain |
2 |
he slid the bolts on the front door and put the safety chain across | N | A series of linked metal rings used for fastening or securing something, or for pulling loads | 2015.01.16 04:57
61 | | postulate |
7 |
his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes | N | Suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief: | 2015.01.16 03:20
62 | | inflation |
3 |
the inflation of a balloon | N | The action of inflating something or the condition of being inflated | 2015.01.16 03:19
63 | | verdict |
4 |
the jury returned a verdict of not guilty | N | her former boyfriend was convicted of assaulting her | 2015.01.16 03:18
64 | | convict |
3 |
her former boyfriend was convicted of assaulting her | N | Declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law: | 2015.01.16 03:17
65 | | rapture |
9 |
Leonora listened with rapture | N | A feeling of intense pleasure or joy | 2015.01.16 03:11
66 | | rapture |
9 |
Leonora listened with rapture | N | A feeling of intense pleasure or joy | 2015.01.16 03:11
67 | | instant |
2 |
the offence justified instant dismissal | N | Happening or coming immediately | 2015.01.16 03:10
68 | | fitness |
1 |
disease and lack of fitness are closely related | N | The condition of being physically fit and healthy: | 2015.01.16 03:09
69 | | disturbance |
2 |
a helicopter landing can cause disturbance to residents | N | ] The interruption of a settled and peaceful condition: | 2015.01.16 03:08
70 | | quell |
8 |
extra police were called to quell the disturbance | N | Put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force: | 2015.01.16 03:07
71 | | quell |
8 |
extra police were called to quell the disturbance | N | Put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force: | 2015.01.16 03:07
72 | | tactless |
3 |
He's tactless and lacks judgment but he's irresistible just the same. | N | Having or showing a lack of skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues: - a tactless remark | 2015.01.16 03:06
73 | | rip |
2 |
a fan tried to rip his trousers off during a show | N | Tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone: | 2015.01.16 03:05
74 | | cobbler |
6 |
He also worked as a master cobbler, mending shoes. | N | A person whose job is mending shoes. | 2015.01.16 03:04
75 | | sordid |
9 |
Fortunately for him, he will not be contemplating his sad and sordid crime from the inside of a prison cell. | N | Involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt: - the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams | 2015.01.16 03:03
76 | | knob |
6 |
After the glue has hardened, rub fine-grain sandpaper across the surface of both knobs, making their surfaces smooth. | N | A rounded lump or ball, especially at the end or on the surface of something | 2015.01.16 03:02
77 | | plum |
6 |
He would discover in his own way the lacy texture of a cantaloupe or the dusky purple of a ripe plum. | N | An oval fleshy fruit which is purple, reddish, or yellow when ripe and contains a flattish pointed stone. | 2015.01.16 02:59
78 | | stud |
5 |
The shape of the headrest follows Zulu style, but brightly coloured plastics, insulation tape and metal studs decorate the core. | N | A large-headed piece of metal that pierces and projects from a surface, especially for decoration. | 2015.01.16 02:59
79 | | chimney |
5 |
a coal fire thrust yellow flames up the chimney | N | A vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building | 2015.01.16 02:58
80 | | swarm |
6 |
a swarm of locusts | N | A large or dense group of flying insects | 2015.01.16 02:57
81 | | extravagant |
6 |
it was rather extravagant to buy both | N | Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources | 2015.01.16 02:56
82 | | compose |
3 |
he composed the First Violin Sonata four years earlier | N | Write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry) | 2015.01.16 02:54
83 | | shudder |
5 |
she still shuddered at the thought of him | N | (Of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion | 2015.01.16 02:54
84 | | impose |
3 |
the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others | N | Force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone: | 2015.01.16 02:53
85 | | pulse |
4 |
the doctor found a faint pulse | N | A rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically as felt in the wrists or neck | 2015.01.16 02:51
86 | | roomy |
1 |
the cabin is roomy and well planned | N | (Especially of accommodation) having plenty of room; spacious | 2015.01.16 02:51
87 | | dull |
4 |
your diet doesn’t have to be dull and boring | N | Lacking interest or excitement | 2015.01.16 02:50
88 | | dismiss |
3 |
she dismissed the taxi at the corner of the road | N | Order or allow to leave; send away | 2015.01.16 02:49
89 | | exalt |
8 |
the party will continue to exalt their hero | N | Think or speak very highly of (someone or something) | 2015.01.16 02:49
90 | | tumultuous |
8 |
tumultuous applause | N | Making an uproar or loud, confused noise | 2015.01.16 02:48
91 | | loop |
4 |
make a loop in the twine | N | A shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself | 2015.01.16 02:47
92 | | hammer |
4 |
Grip pressure should be firm but not tight - about the way you would grip a hammer's handle while driving nails. | N | A tool with a heavy metal head mounted at right angles at the end of a handle, used for jobs such as breaking things and driving in nails. | 2015.01.16 02:46
93 | | chap |
5 |
his skin is very dry and chaps easily | N | (Of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather | 2015.01.16 02:44
94 | | despise |
6 |
he despised himself for being selfish | N | Feel contempt or a deep repugnance for | 2015.01.16 02:44
95 | | matey |
2 |
a matey grin | N | Familiar and friendly; sociable | 2015.01.16 02:42
96 | | pinch |
4 |
she pinched his cheek | N | Grip (something, typically a person’s flesh) tightly and sharply between finger and thumb | 2015.01.16 02:42
97 | | gleam |
4 |
light gleamed on the china cats | N | hine brightly, especially with reflected light: | 2015.01.16 02:41
98 | | cluster |
3 |
clusters of creamy-white flowers | N | A group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together: | 2015.01.16 02:40
99 | | stave |
8 |
It's like a workshop in Hades - you feel the heat from barrels set over open fires in the floor and hear the piercing din of hammers on steel as hoops are pounded onto staves. | N | A vertical wooden post or plank in a building or other structure. | 2015.01.16 02:37
100 | | flick |
4 |
Ursula flicked some ash off her sleeve | N | Strike or propel (something) with a sudden quick movement of the fingers: - Max flicked his bow tie | 2015.01.16 02:36
101 | | frock |
9 |
her new party frock | N | A woman’s or girl’s dress | 2015.01.16 02:35
102 | | knot |
4 |
tie a knot at the end of the cord | N | A fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or something similar on itself and tightening it: | 2015.01.16 02:35
103 | | crab |
5 |
Without warning the stalks supporting the crab's beady black eyes shoot straight up at me. | N | A crustacean, found chiefly on seashores, with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers. | 2015.01.16 02:34
104 | | crutch |
8 |
It's difficult to understand why so many crutches, white sticks and wheelchairs remain unclaimed. | N | A long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a lame person. | 2015.01.16 02:33
105 | | shawl |
8 |
Gypsy and ethnic references appear in a number of outfits including Spanish style poncho skirts, shawls and classic Native American dresses. | N | A piece of fabric worn by women over the shoulders or head or wrapped round a baby. | 2015.01.16 02:33
106 | | dusky |
5 |
It was a dusky red | N | Darkish in colour | 2015.01.16 02:32
107 | | lass |
8 |
he married a lass from Yorkshire | N | A girl or young woman | 2015.01.16 02:31
108 | | sheet |
2 |
Sleeping blankets and covers, sheets and quilts have been made - with the children's assistance. | N | A large rectangular piece of cotton or other fabric, used on a bed to cover the mattress and as a layer beneath blankets when these are used. | 2015.01.16 02:30
109 | | excuse |
1 |
he did nothing to hide or excuse Jacob’s cruelty | N | Seek to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offence); try to justify | 2015.01.16 02:29
110 | | marquee |
8 |
Organisers are planning to have lots of stalls and attractions - and are desperate for donations of tents and marquees to provide shelter for these. | N | chiefly British A large tent used for social or commercial functions. | 2015.01.16 02:28
111 | | curl |
2 |
her fingers curled round the microphone | N | Form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape | 2015.01.16 02:27
112 | | straw |
4 |
This unique facility will be constructed with natural materials - plastered straw bale walls with a turf roof. | N | Dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, or weaving | 2015.01.16 02:26
113 | | lanky |
10 |
He is lanky and a brilliant artist as well as being excellent at crosswords. | N | ungracefully thin and tall. | 2015.01.16 02:25
114 | | petticoat |
11 |
At the bottom of the trunk she found a set of white undergarments including lacy petticoats and a full corseted bodice. | N | A woman’s light, loose undergarment hanging from the shoulders or the waist, worn under a skirt or dress. | 2015.01.16 02:24
115 | | turban |
10 |
It is difficult for us to see any reason why a Jew may not wear his yarmulke in court or a Sikh his turban. | N | A man’s head covering consisting of a long length of material wound around a cap or the head, worn especially by Sikhs and Muslims. | 2015.01.16 02:24
116 | | supervise |
3 |
the sergeant left to supervise the loading of the lorries | N | Observe and direct the execution of (a task or activity) | 2015.01.16 02:23
117 | | peal |
11 |
the bell rang again, a long, loud peal | N | A loud ringing of a bell or bells | 2015.01.16 02:22
118 | | blaze |
4 |
twenty firemen fought the blaze | N | A very large or fiercely burning fire | 2015.01.16 02:21
119 | | crouch |
5 |
we crouched down in the trench | N | Adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself | 2015.01.16 02:20
120 | | crouch |
5 |
we crouched down in the trench | N | Adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself | 2015.01.16 02:20
121 | | stem |
3 |
Both the blue and the yellow have the classic, satiny translucent petals of the poppy tribe, both, characteristically, are held on wiry stems above the parent plant. | N | The main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean. | 2015.01.16 02:20
122 | | stem |
3 |
Both the blue and the yellow have the classic, satiny translucent petals of the poppy tribe, both, characteristically, are held on wiry stems above the parent plant. | N | The main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean. | 2015.01.16 02:20
123 | | tray |
2 |
they ate supper off a tray in front of the fire | N | A flat, shallow container with a raised rim, typically used for carrying food and drink, or for holding small items or loose material | 2015.01.16 02:18
124 | | chase |
2 |
police chased the stolen car through the city | N | Pursue in order to catch or catch up with | 2015.01.16 02:16
125 | | gasp |
4 |
a woman gasped in horror at the sight of him | N | Catch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment | 2015.01.16 02:16
126 | | muffle |
6 |
everyone was muffled up in coats and scarves | N | Wrap or cover for warmth | 2015.01.16 02:15
127 | | dash |
4 |
I dashed into the garden | N | Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry | 2015.01.16 02:14
128 | | faint |
2 |
the faint murmur of voices | N | (Of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible | 2015.01.16 02:13
129 | | brush |
2 |
a shaving brush | N | An implement with a handle and a block of bristles, hair, or wire, used especially for cleaning, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, or arranging the hair | 2015.01.16 02:12
130 | | press |
1 |
he pressed his face to the glass | V | Move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force | 2015.01.16 02:12
131 | | porch |
5 |
the north porch of Hereford Cathedral | N | A covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building | 2015.01.16 02:11