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aejin words, 05 Dec 24, 19:43


1 dispute 3 The neighbors had a violent dispute about on the noise.Nan argument or a disagreement between two people, groups or countries.2015.07.23 09:59
2 authority 3 My husband and I vested my first child with authority for controling her pocket money.Nthe power to give orders to people2015.07.23 09:56
3 impartial 6 when the kids fight with each other, the parents must remain impartialADJnot supporting on person or group more than another2015.07.23 09:54
4 intervention 3 I think that it was a helpful intervention for themNaction taken to improve or help a situation2015.07.23 09:52
5 squabbling 8 my kids were squabbling over what to watch the movieADJnoisy argument about something that is not very important2015.07.23 09:50
6 feasibility 5 The feasibility study was conducted to discover any good reasons for using tablets in the classroom.Npossibility and likelihood of being successful2015.07.23 09:17

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