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helene777 words, 05 Dec 24, 18:44


1 ceaseless 3 ceaseless rainADJwithout stop, unending2015.03.15 13:01
2 cue 5 But that is exactly what Google Glass makes possible, without the cue of a cameraphone being producedNa clue, an indication2015.03.15 12:59
3 fuss 5 made a fuss over a little accident.Nan excessive display of attention or activity:2015.03.15 12:50
4 nod 3 He nodded his head in approvalVto make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement, greeting, or command2015.03.15 12:49
5 sidle 10 Sidle up to him and then ask for a raise.Vto move in a furtive or stealthy manner; edge along2015.03.15 12:47
6 covertly 7 They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table. Advsecret2015.03.15 12:43
7 snag 6 Our plans hit a snag when our best player broke her legNanything that gets in the way of progress:2015.03.15 12:37
8 ubiquitous 10 Earth's ubiquitous atmosphere.ADJhaving or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent2015.03.15 12:29
9 portend 14 What do the polls portend for the election?Vto give warning of; predict or foreshadow2015.03.15 12:27
10 headset ? why don't you use the headset I got you?Na pair of headphones, esp with a microphone attached2015.03.15 12:11

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