1 | | opaque |
7 |
it was pale, opaque plastic,the kind og thing Thomas had used. | ADJ | not letting light through: not transparent | 2016.10.09 21:41
2 | | muscular |
6 |
muscular shoulders visible even through his ski jacket. | ADJ | of or relating to muscles | 2016.10.09 21:38
3 | | sheen |
9 |
this shampoo gives your hair a beautiful sheen. | N | a soft, smooth, shiny quality | 2016.10.09 21:36
4 | | legitimately |
3 |
tryiing to work out what else i could legitimately do. | Adv | in a manner acceptable to common custom | 2016.10.09 21:33
5 | | paltry |
10 |
managing to raise a paltry quarter load of washing | ADJ | very small or too small in amount | 2016.10.09 21:30
6 | | unbearable |
1 |
when the silence became unbearable. | ADJ | too bad,harsh,or extreme to be accepted or endured | 2016.10.09 21:27
7 | | affable |
9 |
I watched the affable helperputting on his jacket with a rising sense of panic. | ADJ | friendly and easy to talk to | 2016.10.09 21:24
8 | | reverberate |
7 |
i felt my body reverberate with it. | V | to become filled with a sound | 2016.10.09 21:22
9 | | cranky |
11 |
he is a little cranky. | ADJ | easily annoyed or angered | 2016.10.09 21:20
10 | | hoist |
6 |
i thought of the hoist | N | to raise (something) especially by using ropes or machinery | 2016.10.09 17:21
11 | | utter |
4 |
she seemed weary, as if she had uttered the same words many times that day already. | ADJ | complete and total | 2016.10.03 21:27
12 | | intricate |
6 |
the loors were carpeted with intricately decorated Persian rugs | ADJ | having many parts | 2016.10.03 21:24
13 | | commensurate |
10 |
taht is why the salary is commensurate. | ADJ | equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree | 2016.10.03 21:22
14 | | interfere |
3 |
i'm not trying to interfere. | V | to become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted - Source: Merria | 2016.10.03 21:19
15 | | crouch |
5 |
she opended the door and i stared at the white metal and plastic hoist that crouched over the bath | V | to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs | 2016.10.03 21:17
16 | | feeble |
6 |
it sounded feeble. | ADJ | very weak | 2016.10.03 21:14
17 | | deceptively |
6 |
the annexe's living room was deceptively large | ADJ | intended to make someone believe something that is not true | 2016.10.03 21:12
18 | | hospitality |
6 |
the hospitality tens had equipment and supplies donated by people from all over America | N | generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests : hospitable treatment | 2016.09.27 18:29
19 | | ethnic |
3 |
Plus, Amy Klein delves into the delights of the city's many ethnic neighbourhoods. | ADJ | a part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way | 2016.09.27 18:26
20 | | region |
2 |
no other region in the US compares to New England when it comes to seasons. | N | a part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way | 2016.09.27 18:21
21 | | expanse |
5 |
across an expanse of the Potomac floodplain, airplains were landing at National Airport | N | a large and usually flat open space or area | 2016.09.27 18:18
22 | | sensible |
3 |
everything that is sensible, or smart, Katrina did first, despite being eighteen months younger than me. | N | having or showing good sense or judgment | 2016.09.26 19:55
23 | | exotic |
4 |
apart from an exotic taste in clothes, and the fact that i'm a bit short. | N | very different, strange, or unusual | 2016.09.26 19:52
24 | | hesitate |
2 |
i hesitated just a moment,and then began to run alongside him. | N | to stop briefly before you do something especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to do | 2016.09.26 19:49
25 | | brief |
2 |
with the place briefly empty | ADJ | lasting only a short period of time | 2016.09.26 19:46
26 | | shriek |
6 |
The shrieking schoolchildren, who stopped by after school. | V | to make a loud, high-pitched cry. | 2016.09.23 08:22