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madina words, 05 Dec 24, 18:47


1 spouse 4 When spouses are far from each other they use technology to have conversation.Neither member of a married pair in relation to the other; one's husband or wife.2015.11.09 20:40
2 intrinsic 5 The intelligence is not intrinsic to robots.ADJbelonging to a thing by its very nature.2015.11.09 20:36
3 nourish 6 In nearest future cars will nourish by electricity. Vto sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growt2015.11.09 20:24
4 lack 2 Lack of wi-fi can lead to stress.Ndeficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary.2015.11.09 20:17
5 quantitative 3 on this page you can find overview of quantitative science and technology research.ADJthat is or may be estimated by quantity.2015.11.09 20:11
6 dine 2 In nearest future you will dine in cafe where food prepared by robots.Nto eat the principal meal of the day; have dinner.2015.11.09 20:05
7 reversed 3 What is the reversed side of technology?ADJopposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character.2015.11.09 19:55
8 hereditary 8 Now doctors can use technologies to clinical testing in hereditary cancers.ADJpassing, or capable of passing, naturally from parent to offspring through the genes2015.11.09 19:39
9 rigidly 4 New generation is rigidly depended on mobile phones.ADJstiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard; strictly.2015.11.09 19:24
10 reliance 2 Nowadays human reliance on modern technology is much greater.Nconfident or trustful dependence.2015.11.09 19:06
11 foresight 9 n Sharpe has become over the years a singular monument to the mechanical FORESIGHT of its founder, Joseph R. Brown, and a world-renowned synonym for - Ncare or provision for the future; provident care; prudence.2015.11.02 15:44
12 instinctual 3 And, if we follow the RAYBURN pattern, as consciously or by an INSTINCTUAL political sense I like to think I have followed it - ADJprompted by or resulting from or as if from instinct; natural; unlearned:2015.11.02 15:42
13 peer 3 children each will be happy to play with the others' toys until stopped by PEER group pressure.Na person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.2015.11.02 15:39
14 terrestrial 7 But by the end of the poem, he has become a character of extra- TERRESTRIAL proportions, a romantic sufferer carrying on his shADJpertaining to, consisting of, or representing the earth as distinct from other planets.2015.11.02 15:37
15 twig 10 walls and floors of the pool, and consequently against any sharp stone or TWIG, is such that it can be ultimately forced through the liner. - Na small, dry, woody piece fallen from a branch2015.11.02 15:32

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