1 | | sleet |
10 |
The rain was turning to sleet. | N | a mixture of rain and snow | 2023.06.14 04:02
2 | | havens |
10 |
The Caymans, Virgin Islands, and other havens for tax dodgers | N | Places where these people will be safe from the law, will not be held to account or made to pay their taxes | 2021.08.19 14:52
3 | | haven |
10 |
He fled to a safe haven | N | a place of safety | 2020.07.18 20:52
4 | | percolate |
10 |
Inevitably ideas percolate from one religion to another | V | Inevitably ideas percolate from one religion to another. | 2019.08.27 13:07
5 | | explicate |
10 |
Some recent authors have written books attempting to explicate the concept of nomicity. | V | Analyse and develop (an idea or principle) in detail. | 2019.04.29 13:29
6 | | schism |
10 |
However, other controversies appear to reflect some of the deeper schisms within psychology itself. | N | A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief. | 2019.04.29 13:04
7 | | spammers |
10 |
Junk advertising was uploaded to the website by spammers and their cronies. | N | Vandals who use someone else's social media to spread their messages | 2019.03.31 20:40
8 | | spam |
10 |
Sorry users - a spam attack on this site has lost some entries (Jan 5, 2019) | N | Junk upoaded to someone else's website | 2019.01.05 11:28
9 | | paltry |
10 |
managing to raise a paltry quarter load of washing | ADJ | very small or too small in amount | 2016.10.09 21:30
10 | | commensurate |
10 |
taht is why the salary is commensurate. | ADJ | equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree | 2016.10.03 21:22
11 | | drudgery |
10 |
Her surname ruins it with its connotation of working-class drudgery. | N | Hard monotonous routine work. - =donkeywork | 2016.09.27 13:38
12 | | fluster |
10 |
He doesn't get flustered. | V | cause to be nervous or upset | 2016.09.25 23:13
13 | | insolent |
10 |
He gave an insolent reply to her question | ADJ | 1.boldly rude or disrespectful; - insulting: | 2016.09.21 22:26
14 | | abet |
10 |
Bushes and vines abetted the rocks in forming thorny detours for the struggling stranger | V | in a state of temporary inactivity. temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension - | 2016.05.05 04:25
15 | | sustenance |
10 |
The poor countries are turned in different kind of natural energy sources for sustenance | N | A food or a drink that which is regarded as a source of energy. | 2015.12.08 13:21
16 | | sustenance |
10 |
sustenance is very important in modern world | N | the ability of food to provide people and animals with what they need to make them strong and healthy | 2015.12.08 13:17
17 | | procreation |
10 |
I bought some animals and some of them are used for procreation. | N | Means reproduction. The N form of reproduce. | 2015.12.07 23:32
18 | | sustenance |
10 |
Sustenance includes food, drink and other necessities | N | sustenance are the resource that all creatures need | 2015.12.07 23:28
19 | | sustenance |
10 |
Genetically modified crops increased production that solved sustenance supply. | N | food | 2015.12.07 23:01
20 | | sustenance |
10 |
I seek your support and sustenance. | N | means of sustaining life; nourishment. | 2015.12.07 22:57
21 | | procreation |
10 |
These areas are procreation, life, and death | N | production | 2015.12.07 22:40
22 | | sustenance |
10 |
My USB and laptop are my educational sustenance for work at school | N | Means of sustaining life; nourishment | 2015.12.07 20:18
23 | | procreation |
10 |
Some people believe that sex should only be for the purpose of procreation. | N | the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring | 2015.12.04 23:25
24 | | sustenance |
10 |
The biological weapons brings death, not sustenance. | N | food: | 2015.12.04 23:10
25 | | sustenance |
10 |
Organic farming provides healthy sustenance to the public. | N | food that people or animals need in order to live | 2015.11.28 19:14
26 | | sustenance |
10 |
Organic farming provides healthy sustenance to the public. | N | food that people or animals need in order to live | 2015.11.28 17:37
27 | | balk |
10 |
Don't balk when you help others. | V | to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified | 2015.11.23 21:03
28 | | copulation |
10 |
Technology can help animals copulation and reproduce. | N | sexual intercourse. | 2015.11.10 22:33
29 | | twigs |
10 |
Primates use twigs as a tools. | N | A small shoot or branch usually without its leaves | 2015.11.10 09:26
30 | | copulation |
10 |
Copulation could be used for alliance and protection among animals of the same sex. | N | to have sex | 2015.11.10 02:15
31 | | copulation |
10 |
For Darwin, mate choice simply stopped at copulation. | N | sexual intercourse. | 2015.11.09 22:07
32 | | copulation |
10 |
About three days after copulation, the hen starts laying eggs. | N | the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman | 2015.11.09 09:03
33 | | twig |
10 |
Sloths live on a diet of leave and twigs | N | a small shoot or branch usually without its leave | 2015.11.07 22:27
34 | | mollusks |
10 |
Sea otters use rocks to break open mollusks which are important in their diet | N | any invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, typically having a calcareous shell of one, two, or more pieces that wholly or partly enclose the soft, unsegmented body, including the chitons, snails, bivalves, squids, and octopuses | 2015.11.03 01:05
35 | | twig |
10 |
There is a woodpecker finch that selects twigs to dig out insects open mollusks. | N | a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch on a tree | 2015.11.02 15:39
36 | | twig |
10 |
We ‹collected ‹dry twigs to ‹start the ‹fire. | N | a ‹small, ‹thin ‹branch of a ‹tree or ‹bush, ‹especially one ‹removed from the ‹tree or ‹bush and without any ‹leaves | 2015.11.02 15:36
37 | | twig |
10 |
Suddenly, we hear the sound of a twig cracking; all three men look around anxiously, particularly JASON. | N | a slender shoot of a tree or other plant. | 2015.11.02 15:35
38 | | twig |
10 |
walls and floors of the pool, and consequently against any sharp stone or TWIG, is such that it can be ultimately forced through the liner. - | N | a small, dry, woody piece fallen from a branch | 2015.11.02 15:32
39 | | copulate |
10 |
the time of year when deer in the wild are likely to copulate | V | to have sexual intercourse | 2015.11.02 15:19
40 | | twig |
10 |
He cut a twig from the tree by his palm. | N | a small, thin shoot of a wooden branch or stem | 2015.11.02 15:19
41 | | twig |
10 |
This twig is to short, I need another one | N | small, thin wooden stick | 2015.11.02 15:18
42 | | twig |
10 |
Would you consider a twig to be a tool? | N | a twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush | 2015.11.02 15:05
43 | | altruistic |
10 |
Were his motives entirely altruistic? | ADJ | This kind of behaviour shows that you care about and will help other people, even though this brings no advantage for yourself. | 2015.06.09 20:00
44 | | intransigent |
10 |
an intransigent attitude | ADJ | stubborn; unwilling to change your ideas or behaviour in a way that seems unreasonable | 2015.05.21 12:27
45 | | garish |
10 |
Many of the rugs are too garish for my taste. | ADJ | very brightly coloured in a way that is unpleasant to look at | 2015.05.08 15:47
46 | | intransigent |
10 |
I detest her because she is so intransigent person. | ADJ | Refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible | 2015.04.16 15:30
47 | | decried |
10 |
She decried the way he treats her. | V | To express strong disapproval. | 2015.04.16 15:15
48 | | punctual |
10 |
The bus in the town is never punctual. | ADJ | directly and without evasion; not roundabout | 2015.03.26 18:31
49 | | submissive |
10 |
Whatever my mom says to me, I am totally submissive. | ADJ | willing to do other people tell you to do without arguing | 2015.03.20 22:29
50 | | digression |
10 |
Let me just finish this digression. | N | a message that departs from the main subject. | 2015.03.18 14:23
51 | | sidle |
10 |
Sidle up to him and then ask for a raise. | V | to move in a furtive or stealthy manner; edge along | 2015.03.15 12:47
52 | | ubiquitous |
10 |
Earth's ubiquitous atmosphere. | ADJ | having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent | 2015.03.15 12:29
53 | | savvy |
10 |
tech-savvy students | ADJ | shrewdly intelligent; canny | 2015.01.29 04:29
54 | | puny |
10 |
His puny arms were nonetheless capable of mighty feats | N | Weak looking, skinny | 2015.01.24 18:01
55 | | vertigo |
10 |
The climber had a sudden feeling of vertigo | N | Dizziness, imbalance, fear of falling | 2015.01.24 17:33
56 | | audacity |
10 |
he whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan | N | A willingness to take bold risks: | 2015.01.16 05:20
57 | | indelible |
10 |
an indelible marker pen | N | (Of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed | 2015.01.16 05:15
58 | | philanthropic |
10 |
they receive financial support from philanthropic bodies | N | seeking to promote the welfare of others; generous and benevolent: | 2015.01.16 05:10
59 | | lanky |
10 |
He is lanky and a brilliant artist as well as being excellent at crosswords. | N | ungracefully thin and tall. | 2015.01.16 02:25
60 | | turban |
10 |
It is difficult for us to see any reason why a Jew may not wear his yarmulke in court or a Sikh his turban. | N | A man’s head covering consisting of a long length of material wound around a cap or the head, worn especially by Sikhs and Muslims. | 2015.01.16 02:24
61 | | irreverence |
10 |
Certain sects of Islam consider a woman showing her face in public to be a gross irreverence. | N | lack of reverence | 2015.01.15 23:13
62 | | irreverence |
10 |
Certain sects of Islam consider a woman showing her face in public to be a gross irreverence. | N | lack of reverence | 2015.01.15 23:13
63 | | vigilante |
10 |
The danger of these self-appointed vigilantes is that they sometimes go after innocent people. | N | a person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals | 2015.01.15 22:27
64 | | morose |
10 |
He became morose and withdrawn and would not talk to anyone. | ADJ | very serious, unhappy, and quiet | 2015.01.15 22:09
65 | | belittle |
10 |
The critic belittled the author's work. | V | to describe (someone or something) as little or unimportant | 2015.01.15 19:51
66 | | audacity |
10 |
He had the audacity to suggest that it was all my fault. | N | a confident and daring quality that is often seen as shocking or rude : an audacious quality | 2015.01.15 19:24
67 | | derange |
10 |
Being stranded at night on a lonely road would derange anyone. | V | to disturb the operation or functions of | 2015.01.15 18:52
68 | | virile |
10 |
Then there was exercise, boating and hiking, which was not only good for you but also made you more virile the thought of strenuous activity left him exhausted. | N | having or exhibiting masculine strength; masculine; - manly; - characterized by a vigorous, masculine spirit. | 2015.01.14 04:29
69 | | haughty |
10 |
a look of haughty disdain | ADJ | arrogantly superior and disdainful | 2015.01.10 09:57