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words, 14 Jan 25, 6:08


1cornucopia 13 a cornucopia of new ideas for software developmentNan abundant, overflowing supply2021.08.18 12:46
2 nirvana 13 Most people who believe Buddism desire nirvana.Nthe state of peace and happiness that a person chieves after giving up all personal desires.2015.03.19 13:23
3 megalomania 13 Wearing a Napoleon hat reflected his growing megalomaniaNA false belief (mania) in his own greatness (mega)2015.01.16 16:42
4 temerity 13 no one had the temerity to question his conclusionsNExcessive confidence or boldness; audacity2015.01.16 05:19
5 buffoon 13 The children burst into laughter when the buffoon stumbled and fell down.Na person who amuses others by funny, ridiculous, odd behaviors or jokes2015.01.16 05:00
6 ringlet 13 her hair fell loose in ringletsNA lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl:2015.01.16 05:00
7 ringlet 13 her hair fell loose in ringletsNA lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl:2015.01.16 05:00

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