1 | | veil |
4 |
The bride had a veil over her face. | N | A piece of opaque, transparent, or mesh material worn over the face to hide or protect, to enhance the appearance. | 2024.03.04 19:03
2 | | spoon |
4 |
She picked up a spoon and stirred her tea. | N | An object used in eating, stirring, measuring, etc., made up of a small, shallow bowl with a handle: | 2024.01.28 22:44
3 | | ferry |
4 |
We boarded the ferry at Ostend. | N | large boat or ship that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea | 2023.06.14 03:33
4 | | deafening |
4 |
deafening music | ADJ | excessively loud | 2023.02.09 11:46
5 | | lively |
4 |
a lively tune - - a lively discussion | ADJ | animated - - spirited - - eventful or exciting - | 2023.02.06 13:27
6 | | dioxide |
4 |
Burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide gas, which is damaging to the environment | N | an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen, each of which is bonded directly to an atom of a second element, as manganese dioxide, MnO2, or nitrogen dioxide, NO2. | 2022.06.06 06:36
7 | | pledge |
4 |
The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region | N | a solemn promise to do or stop doing something | 2022.06.05 12:33
8 | | warehouse |
4 |
Goods were continuously delivered to the company's warehouses | N | a building for the storage of goods or merchandise. | 2022.06.05 12:22
9 | | pledge |
4 |
a pledge of economic aid to the newly independent countries. | N | a solemn promise to do or stop doing something | 2022.06.05 06:17
10 | | adherent |
4 |
Adherents of Bernie Sanders are said to be unwilling to vote for a candidate other than their own | N | Supporters, those who 'adhere' or stick (like glue) to someone/thing | 2020.03.03 09:40
11 | | peculiarity |
4 |
One striking peculiarity of his was the endless fiddling with the braces that held up his trousers | N | A feature that makes someone different (in a negative way different in an unpleasant way) | 2020.02.19 09:37
12 | | ambitious |
4 |
He was an ambitious person | N | eagerly desirous of achieving success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc | 2019.09.29 11:28
13 | | ambitious |
4 |
He This was an ambitious person project. | ADJ | requiring a great deal of effort, cost, ability, etc. | 2019.09.23 14:39
14 | | accustomed |
4 |
I ordered all the drivers to carry out the accustomed work at the usual hours, which was done | ADJ | Customary; usual. | 2019.08.27 13:22
15 | | acute |
4 |
In some areas the situation is particularly acute and the problems are only going to get worse. | ADJ | (of an unpleasant or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree. | 2019.08.27 13:14
16 | | genre |
4 |
Yet research can apply to all creative genres and so we should develop a more inclusive term. | N | A style or category of art, music, or literature. | 2019.06.26 14:12
17 | | fusion |
4 |
All fusions were verified by DNA sequence analysis. | N | The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity. | 2019.06.26 14:06
18 | | endeavour |
4 |
Parents and teachers up and down the land are endeavouring to instil high standards of personal behaviour and responsibility among young children. | V | Try hard to do or achieve something. | 2019.04.24 13:08
19 | | enact |
4 |
Most of the committee's recommendations were enacted. | V | Put into practice (an idea or suggestion) | 2019.04.24 13:00
20 | | empirical |
4 |
Because natural science can offer empirical proof for its hypotheses, it can verify its claims. | ADJ | Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic. | 2019.04.24 12:53
21 | | deter |
4 |
It is the lack of awareness and fear that deters people from getting themselves examined. | N | Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. | 2019.04.03 13:03
22 | | contingent |
4 |
Painters, we have seen, evinced a new sensitivity to the contingent nature of their means of expression. | ADJ | Subject to chance | 2019.04.03 12:40
23 | | consolidate |
4 |
As a result, customers will streamline their storage management and consolidate the number of vendors they support. | V | Combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole. | 2019.04.01 13:31
24 | | articulate |
4 |
He is articulate, charismatic and persuasive. | N | Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. | 2019.03.25 14:29
25 | | arouse |
4 |
Their confusion about how to shape their lives in response to these conditions arouses anxiety, and many abuse their spouse and children or turn to drugs and alcohol to alleviate their tension. | V | Evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response) | 2019.03.25 14:08
26 | | arena |
4 |
Empowerment has now moved from the arena of management circles and into our daily lives. | N | A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict. | 2019.03.25 14:04
27 | | scar |
4 |
He had a scar on his cheek | N | The remains of a healed wound, usually red or pink in colour | 2019.02.12 17:00
28 | | evoke |
4 |
It captures honest moments of weirdness, but it also manipulates images and music to evoke emotion. | V | bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind. - Or Elicit ( a response) | 2019.01.17 07:30
29 | | wreck |
4 |
I'm a wreck without my little China girl | N | A mess, a disaster, the outcome of an accident | 2018.02.08 06:42
30 | | terrify |
4 |
Be quiet or you'll terrify the neighbours | V | Frighten, make afraid | 2017.05.24 10:13
31 | | implicit |
4 |
This poet always pursues a implicit beauty in his poems. | ADJ | suggested but not communicated directly | 2016.11.20 20:44
32 | | termination |
4 |
Because of outside controversies, they have to make a termination on their project. | N | an act of ending something | 2016.11.20 20:36
33 | | domain |
4 |
The domain is vast. | N | a particular environment or walk of life | 2016.10.10 23:08
34 | | gossip |
4 |
There are people that likes gossip | N | Casual conversation about other persion without before confirm the information. | 2016.10.06 13:48
35 | | utter |
4 |
she seemed weary, as if she had uttered the same words many times that day already. | ADJ | complete and total | 2016.10.03 21:27
36 | | cursed |
4 |
Harry potter And The Cursed child | ADJ | someone or something be brought bad luck | 2016.09.30 19:31
37 | | inflamed |
4 |
get inflamed while wearing contact lens | ADJ | red and swollen | 2016.09.29 00:08
38 | | spectacular |
4 |
from a spectacular sea of the tree | ADJ | Describle an objectis very large | 2016.09.28 22:56
39 | | vanish |
4 |
His car vanished. | N | get lost without warning or expianation | 2016.09.28 14:26
40 | | sketch |
4 |
He made a sketch on the ground. | N | a rough describe for paintings. | 2016.09.28 14:18
41 | | salmon |
4 |
I really like eating salmon sushi. | N | A kind of fish . | 2016.09.28 13:05
42 | | ink |
4 |
The inks of my printer are low. | N | colored liquid that is used for writing or printing | 2016.09.28 12:59
43 | | obsession |
4 |
Obsession can be helpful or destructive, depending on the person. | N | The state of getting extremly interested in something | 2016.09.28 12:51
44 | | glimpse |
4 |
My husband glimpsed at me when I saw him for the first time. | N | to look at or see for a very short time | 2016.09.28 12:50
45 | | immense |
4 |
He invested an immense sum of money in stocks. | ADJ | unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope | 2016.09.28 09:29
46 | | surge |
4 |
The photographers and cameramen surged forward. | V | a huge amount of stuff is coming and become so crowded | 2016.09.28 01:37
47 | | fog |
4 |
The crash happened in thick fog. | N | weather phenomena?it often begin in some raining days,drivers can see road clearly in this weather . - | 2016.09.28 01:27
48 | | destiny |
4 |
It is my destiny one day to be king. | N | something related to all life and people can't avoid | 2016.09.28 01:21
49 | | magnificent |
4 |
She is magnificent at making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her. | ADJ | describe shocking and awesome stuff | 2016.09.28 01:06
50 | | parameterize |
4 |
We know how to parameterize this line | V | use number to describe | 2016.09.27 23:57
51 | | authentic |
4 |
He found out the most authentic restaurants. | ADJ | conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief. | 2016.09.27 21:20
52 | | volcano |
4 |
It is an active volcano. | N | a mountain formed by volcanic material. | 2016.09.27 21:17
53 | | spectacular |
4 |
The scene on the Great Wall is so spectacular, that attracts many foreigners to visit there. | ADJ | sensational, and thrill of feeling | 2016.09.27 19:50
54 | | incidence |
4 |
the highest incidence of MRSA | N | event | 2016.09.27 18:54
55 | | gamble |
4 |
She wants to stake everything that she still is, all her physical charm, in a gamble on happiness. | N | A risky act or venture. | 2016.09.27 13:51
56 | | veiled |
4 |
He uniform has provoked this veiled hostility. | ADJ | Having or as if having a veil or concealing cover. | 2016.09.27 13:44
57 | | magnificent |
4 |
These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people. | ADJ | characterized by grandeur | 2016.09.27 13:26
58 | | evacuate |
4 |
All residents have to evacuate this area because of the approaching huge tornado. | V | move out of an unsafe location into safety | 2016.09.27 13:16
59 | | conceal |
4 |
Some small animal concealed in the straw. | V | prevent from being seen or discovered | 2016.09.27 13:14
60 | | straw |
4 |
Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw. | N | plant fibre used e.g. for making baskets and hats or as fodder | 2016.09.27 13:04
61 | | barn |
4 |
It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr Jones was safely out of the way. | N | an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed, or housing farm animals. | 2016.09.27 13:00
62 | | barrel |
4 |
Drew him a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery. | N | a cylindrical container that holds liquids | 2016.09.27 12:53
63 | | exemption |
4 |
In South Korea, the sports stars can receive a legal exemption of the military service for winning the Olympic games. | N | immunity from an obligation or duty | 2016.09.27 12:52
64 | | likewise |
4 |
Likewise, homework is useful for students | Adv | ;as well - ;also | 2016.09.27 09:49
65 | | nonetheless |
4 |
I faught with my friend. Nonetheless, we want to stay together | Adv | the same as nevertheless, however | 2016.09.27 09:44
66 | | horizontal |
4 |
In this gragh, you need to look at horizontal axis first. | ADJ | flat and level with the ground, rather than at an angle to it | 2016.09.27 09:25
67 | | armor |
4 |
There are a lot of creaking armor in the hall of Hogwarts. | N | protective covering made of metal and used in combat. | 2016.09.27 08:48
68 | | vigor |
4 |
A succinct style lends vigor to writing. | N | active strength of body or mind. | 2016.09.26 23:27
69 | | cathedral |
4 |
St Paul's Cathedral | N | relating to or containing or issuing from a bishop’s office. | 2016.09.26 22:48
70 | | solo |
4 |
The young singer soloed a famous song on the stage. | V | singing or doing something by yourself | 2016.09.26 22:10
71 | | obsess |
4 |
She began obsess about her performance. | V | puzzle | 2016.09.26 21:49
72 | | bounded |
4 |
The territory is clearly bounded | ADJ | Form a boundary, enclose something. | 2016.09.26 20:04
73 | | exotic |
4 |
apart from an exotic taste in clothes, and the fact that i'm a bit short. | N | very different, strange, or unusual | 2016.09.26 19:52
74 | | skeptic |
4 |
He is a skeptic, he always doubts about anything. | N | someone who always doubts | 2016.09.26 19:37
75 | | dotted |
4 |
He dotted a line across the map. | ADJ | having gaps or spaces | 2016.09.26 09:24
76 | | attorney |
4 |
Surprisingly, the 32-year-old Lee recently became an attorney! | N | a professional person authorized to practice law - | 2016.09.25 22:26
77 | | glimpse |
4 |
The long boardwalk lets you glimpse South Africa's popular penguins. | V | a quick look | 2016.09.25 22:23
78 | | illuminate |
4 |
My room is now illuminated by the vibrating phone. | V | make lighter or brighter | 2016.09.25 22:19
79 | | harmonious |
4 |
there should be a harmonious alliance between management and workers. | ADJ | musically pleasig | 2016.09.25 22:06
80 | | drip |
4 |
All the way dripping down. | V | to fall in drops. | 2016.09.25 18:22
81 | | streak |
4 |
See those streaks? | N | a long, thin mark that is a different color from its background. | 2016.09.25 18:20
82 | | federation |
4 |
join in The Tennis federation. | N | an organization formed by merging several groups or parties. | 2016.09.25 18:18
83 | | amateur |
4 |
someone was an accomplished amateur musician. | N | engaged in as a pastime?lack professional skill or expertise. - | 2016.09.25 18:05
84 | | vocational |
4 |
I'm going to a vocational school after high school | ADJ | the training and skills needed for a particular job or profession. | 2016.09.21 10:47
85 | | entrepreneur |
4 |
He is a well-known software entrepreneur | N | a person who organizes and manages an enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable daring, skill, and financial risk. | 2016.09.21 10:44
86 | | juvenile |
4 |
The actions of some adults are juvenile. | ADJ | of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons: | 2016.09.21 10:10
87 | | merit |
4 |
composers of outstanding merit | N | The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward. | 2016.09.20 23:55
88 | | quota |
4 |
I've done my quota of work for the day | N | the share or part of a total that is required from, allowed to, or that belongs to a particular district, group | 2016.09.19 09:52
89 | | simulate |
4 |
Scientists know Earth-like conditions can be simulated on Mars because something similar has already been done in Antarctica. | V | create a representation or model of | 2016.09.19 09:43
90 | | simulated |
4 |
Scientist know Earth-like conditions can be simulated on Mars because something similar has already been done in Antarctica. | ADJ | made to look, feel ,or behave like something: not real. | 2016.09.19 09:43
91 | | parameter |
4 |
there are three parameters by which a speaker is able to modify the meaning of the utterance—pitch, volume, and tempo | N | A numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation. | 2016.09.19 09:38
92 | | optimistic |
4 |
I was optimistic about the future | ADJ | someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future and tends to expect that good things will happen | 2016.09.19 09:37
93 | | precious |
4 |
Diamonds are precious that they can be categorised according to their colour and hardness. | ADJ | rare and worth a lot of money | 2016.03.22 19:21
94 | | splash |
4 |
He knew the meaning of every sound in the trees, of every song of the birds, of every splash in the water. | V | to wet or soil by dashing masses or particles of water, mud, or the like; spatter | 2016.03.21 00:38
95 | | contemptuous |
4 |
«He was bowled over in an instant by the impatient and contemptuous Mole, who trotted along the side of the hedge chaffing the other rabbits | ADJ | when predicative, often foll by of. showing or feeling contempt; disdainful | 2016.01.14 12:33
96 | | pluralistic |
4 |
Our objective is a free, open, and pluralistic society. | ADJ | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism | 2015.12.09 11:20
97 | | ethical |
4 |
Mayors want local companies to behave ethically. | ADJ | conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior | 2015.12.09 11:17
98 | | pluralistic |
4 |
The USA is a pluralistic society. | ADJ | pluralistic:very muti-cultural, different nationalities. | 2015.12.07 23:39
99 | | ethical |
4 |
Ethical issues surrounding terminally-ill patients. | ADJ | ethical means rellating to beliefs and morals about right or wrong. | 2015.12.07 23:37
100 | | ethical |
4 |
The human cloning that most people believe not to be ethical. - | N | relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong | 2015.12.07 23:32
101 | | pluralistic |
4 |
Canada is a pluralistic country. - | ADJ | a person who believes that the existence of different types of people, beliefs, and opinions within a society is a good thing - | 2015.12.07 23:30
102 | | pluralistic |
4 |
Technology needs pluralistic knowledge structure. | ADJ | the holding by one person of two or more offices at the same time. - | 2015.12.07 21:59
103 | | satisfactory |
4 |
Although the laptop is small, it has a satisfactory variety of function. | ADJ | giving or affording satisfaction; fulfilling all demands or requirements. | 2015.12.07 21:42
104 | | optimists |
4 |
Optimists reckon tablet device prices will move up with inflation this year. | N | a person who holds the belief or the doctrine of optimism | 2015.12.07 21:31
105 | | ethical |
4 |
There are many ethical issues caused by social websites. | ADJ | Pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality, pertaining to right & wrong in conduct | 2015.12.07 20:59
106 | | pluralistic |
4 |
The design needs broad culture visual angle and pluralistic knowledge structure. | ADJ | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism; | 2015.12.07 17:57
107 | | ethical |
4 |
The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical questions. | ADJ | Ethical means relating to beliefs about right and wrong. | 2015.12.07 17:56
108 | | pluralistic |
4 |
Will the army truly allow the emergence of a pluralistic, representative model government? | N | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism | 2015.12.04 23:18
109 | | ethical |
4 |
It is a ethical question how we use language on internet? | ADJ | relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong | 2015.12.04 00:01
110 | | certificate |
4 |
The certificate of technique is invalid. | N | an official document that states that the information on it is true | 2015.12.03 23:50
111 | | satisfactory |
4 |
I am fairly satisfactory to the new robot. | ADJ | good or good enough for a particular need or purpose | 2015.12.03 23:46
112 | | optimist |
4 |
Scientists need a group of optimists to do a experiment. | N | someone who believes that good things will happen | 2015.11.28 16:57
113 | | intrigue |
4 |
I am intrigued to the movie | V | V: it interestspeople and people want to know more about it | 2015.11.26 19:00
114 | | intrigue |
4 |
I am intrigued to her dance | N | N:can be a plot to deceive or harm others | 2015.11.26 18:52
115 | | predator |
4 |
Lots of biologist use camera to observe predator. | N | an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food - | 2015.11.24 13:59
116 | | abrupt |
4 |
The situation has abrupt change when people start to use machine. | ADJ | sudden and not expected, often with unpleasant results | 2015.11.24 13:56
117 | | seldom |
4 |
I seldom use my phone | Adv | almost never | 2015.11.24 13:50
118 | | rug |
4 |
My rug was printed with the help of 3D printer | N | a shaped piece of thick cloth for covering part of a floor | 2015.11.24 13:43
119 | | straightforward |
4 |
A machine straightforward operation is very important. | ADJ | easy to understand; clear | 2015.11.24 13:39
120 | | abrupt |
4 |
Avoid abrupt movements while drinking coffee above your computer | ADJ | sudden and not expected, often with unpleasant results | 2015.11.24 13:32
121 | | primitive |
4 |
It seems primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals. | N | a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization | 2015.11.24 11:25
122 | | skeptical |
4 |
My grandparents are skeptical about every new technology. - | ADJ | doubting that something is true or useful - | 2015.11.24 08:48
123 | | abrupt |
4 |
The website had an abrupt change that made many users cannot adapt. - | ADJ | sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant | 2015.11.24 08:32
124 | | abrupt |
4 |
the new phone I bought had shockingly a very abrupt setting. | ADJ | sudden and expected. | 2015.11.23 22:35
125 | | skeptical |
4 |
People were skeptical about the chances of winning the 2002 World Cup soccer game with Italy. | ADJ | having an attitude of doubt | 2015.11.23 21:35
126 | | predator |
4 |
Small animals should be very careful to avoid their predators. | N | an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals | 2015.11.23 19:52
127 | | abrupt |
4 |
Nowadays is difficult to imagine what will be happen in the future with the abrupt technology movement | ADJ | sudden or unexpected | 2015.11.23 15:31
128 | | tolerate |
4 |
This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity. | V | to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them: | 2015.11.22 23:03
129 | | predator |
4 |
scientist try to figure out how predators get their prey. | N | an animal that hunts, kills, and other animals: | 2015.11.22 22:56
130 | | costume |
4 |
scientists can get many information from the costume that the ancients wear. | N | the set of ‹clothes typical of a particular country or period of history, or suitable for a particular activity | 2015.11.22 22:47
131 | | straightforward |
4 |
Nor does scientific knowledge obtain by straightforward experiments and observations. | ADJ | easy to ‹understand or ‹simple: | 2015.11.22 22:38
132 | | prey |
4 |
Genes allow them to crawl around and engulf their prey. | V | an ‹animal that is ‹hunted and ‹killed for ‹food by another ‹animal | 2015.11.22 20:58
133 | | distress |
4 |
They sent a distress rocket. | N | a ‹feeling of ‹extreme ‹worry, sadness, or ‹pain: | 2015.11.22 20:53
134 | | seldom |
4 |
They seldom talk on technology in those day. | Adv | on only a few occasions; rarely; infrequently; not often | 2015.11.16 22:17
135 | | hormone |
4 |
Computer games will stimulate hormones. | N | a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action. | 2015.11.16 21:54
136 | | tolerate |
4 |
The teacher cannot tolerate using cellphone on the class. | V | to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit. | 2015.11.16 21:52
137 | | straightforward |
4 |
Using the computer program is fairly straightforward. | ADJ | easy to do or understand : not complicated | 2015.11.16 21:38
138 | | abrupt |
4 |
The abrupt slant of the hill gives the building an additional. | ADJ | sudden or unexpected | 2015.11.16 21:19
139 | | prey |
4 |
Scientists have installed a tracker on the lion's prey. | N | A creature's prey are the creatures that it hunts and eats in order to live. | 2015.11.16 20:12
140 | | abrupt |
4 |
The recession brought an abrupt halt to this science and technology. | ADJ | An abrupt change or action is very sudden, often in a way which is unpleasant. | 2015.11.16 20:11
141 | | straightforward |
4 |
Disposable diapers for new inventions are fairly straightforward to put on. - | ADJ | If you describe something as straightforward, you approve of it because it is easy to do or understand. | 2015.11.16 20:10
142 | | rigidly |
4 |
The food undergo a rigidly safety inspection. | ADJ | stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: | 2015.11.10 23:11
143 | | anthropologist |
4 |
The sociologist and anthropologist answer that the work is the relationship. | N | a social scientist who specializes in anthropology. | 2015.11.10 23:06
144 | | fatal |
4 |
Television, especially cable news, has a fatal weakness for the superficial and the shiny. | ADJ | causing or capable of causing death | 2015.11.10 22:59
145 | | fatal |
4 |
The bug is a fatal mistakes to this app. | ADJ | Causing death | 2015.11.10 14:01
146 | | articulate |
4 |
Techneology is a new and more easy way of articulate | N | having joints | 2015.11.10 13:44
147 | | kin |
4 |
It is difficult to create an example with word kin and technology in one sentence but, I did | N | family and ‹relations | 2015.11.10 13:36
148 | | kinship |
4 |
The strong ties of kinship determine why human can pass on technology to the generation by generation | N | Kinship is the relationship between members of the same family. | 2015.11.10 12:04
149 | | rigidly |
4 |
We recommend that you enforce this practice rigidly | Adv | in a ‹stiff or ‹fixed way, without ‹bending or ‹moving | 2015.11.10 02:23
150 | | fatal |
4 |
This Computer viru led to fatal results | ADJ | resulting in someone's death | 2015.11.10 02:12
151 | | primitive |
4 |
Clearly, primitive people did not have modern technologies. | ADJ | belonging to a simple way of life that existed in the past and does not have modern industries and machines | 2015.11.10 01:40
152 | | devise |
4 |
Scientists devise a new technology to identify animals' gene. | V | to plan or invent a new way of doing something | 2015.11.10 01:38
153 | | anthropologist |
4 |
Anthropologists use new technologies to study ancient humans. | N | the scientific study of people, their societies, | 2015.11.10 01:33
154 | | fatal |
4 |
some small mistakes will cause fatal issues. | ADJ | A fatal ‹illness, ‹accident, etc. ‹causes ‹death: | 2015.11.09 23:26
155 | | rigidly |
4 |
My father is very rigidly in his thinking. | Adv | Laws, rules, or systems that are rigid cannot be changed or varied, and are therefore considered to be rather severe. | 2015.11.09 21:57
156 | | fatal |
4 |
Television, especially cable news, has a fatal weakness for the superficial and the shiny. | ADJ | causing or capable of causing death | 2015.11.09 21:31
157 | | anthropologist |
4 |
The sociologist and anthropologist answer that the work is the relationship. | N | a social scientist who specializes in anthropology. | 2015.11.09 21:23
158 | | spouse |
4 |
When spouses are far from each other they use technology to have conversation. | N | either member of a married pair in relation to the other; one's husband or wife. | 2015.11.09 20:40
159 | | rigidly |
4 |
New generation is rigidly depended on mobile phones. | ADJ | stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard; strictly. | 2015.11.09 19:24
160 | | kinship |
4 |
Nowadays a lot of teenager prefer their friends who they contact with them during technology devices than their kinship . | N | 1-the state or fact of being of kin; family relationship. - - 2-relationship by nature, qualities, etc.; affinity | 2015.11.09 17:13
161 | | anthropologist |
4 |
An anthropologist studies people and cultures in a scientific manner. | N | A social scientist who specializes in anthropology | 2015.11.09 07:25
162 | | kinship |
4 |
He felt a deep kinship with his families. | N | the stare of being related to the people in your family | 2015.11.07 22:04
163 | | flick |
4 |
Nonja's specialty is a splatter patter, which she makes by splattering paint onto the paper by flicking her wrist. | V | to strike lightly with a whip, the finger, etc. | 2015.11.03 08:49
164 | | rigidly |
4 |
Common to monkeys, apes, and humans is the fact that behavior and social life are not rigidly programmed by the genes | ADJ | stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: - a rigid strip of metal | 2015.11.03 00:47
165 | | flicking |
4 |
Lights appear with a simple flicking of a switch | V | to move or propel with a small rapid movement of the fingers | 2015.11.02 15:07
166 | | tolerate |
4 |
My oversensitive never endings do not tolerate hugging. | V | Put up with something or someone unpleasant. | 2015.07.23 10:11
167 | | costume |
4 |
I had to become that animal and not just be a person in a cou costume. | N | An actor's or performer's costume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing. | 2015.07.23 10:07
168 | | deprive |
4 |
They cannot deprive people of that basic right. | V | prevent sb from having or using something | 2015.07.23 10:04
169 | | tolerate |
4 |
A light touch sets off a flight reaction, and my oversensitive nerve ending do not tolerate hugging. | V | To bear something unpleasant ot annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties. | 2015.07.23 10:04
170 | | rug |
4 |
A curled-up rug, or a book that is crooked on the shelf, causes the same fear as being stalked by a predator. | N | A shaped piece of thick cloth for covering part of a floor | 2015.07.23 10:02
171 | | straightforward |
4 |
If he became a straightforward person, he would feel more happiness than now. | ADJ | easy to understand; clear; honest and without unnecessary politeness | 2015.07.23 10:00
172 | | skeptical |
4 |
Tom is very skeptical about the science | ADJ | A person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief | 2015.07.23 09:57
173 | | distress |
4 |
The students were in distress | N | Great mental or physical suffering such as extreme anxiety sadness or pain or the state of being in danger or urgent need | 2015.07.23 09:53
174 | | protocol |
4 |
The army leaders threatened to form a new military government if the parties failed to sign an eight point protocol agreeing on Gen. | N | the customs, rules | 2015.06.09 20:51
175 | | subsidiary |
4 |
He was able to do it through its Hong Kong subsidiary | N | A company that is owned by a larger company | 2015.05.01 10:47
176 | | plague |
4 |
Diseases that plague mankind. | N | a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal | 2015.04.16 11:32
177 | | portray |
4 |
What was it like to see someone portray you? | N | represent in a painting, drawing, sculpture, or Vally | 2015.04.16 11:23
178 | | arrogant |
4 |
I don't like her since she's an arrogant girl. | ADJ | characterized by or proceeding from arrogance, or a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement | 2015.04.16 04:30
179 | | predator |
4 |
For the sheep, wolfs are predator. | N | any carnivorous animal | 2015.04.14 18:28
180 | | humiliation |
4 |
After she felt bitter humiliation, she never came again. | N | the action to make somebody feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people | 2015.04.14 12:26
181 | | greedy |
4 |
He is casting greedy eyes on the lady. | ADJ | wanting more money, power, food, etc. than you really need | 2015.04.14 12:25
182 | | deaf |
4 |
My opinion has fall on deaf ears since I arrived here. | ADJ | unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well | 2015.04.14 12:19
183 | | abruptly |
4 |
The titanic truck turned back abruptly, so I had to stop suddenly. | Adv | suddenly | 2015.04.14 12:18
184 | | toxic |
4 |
Don’t eat it, it’s toxic! | ADJ | containing poison; poisonous | 2015.04.14 09:29
185 | | spectacle |
4 |
He told me he would never forget the spectacle he had seen in the zoo. | N | a performance or an event that is very impressive and exciting to look at | 2015.04.14 09:25
186 | | threshold |
4 |
The threshold of the university is very strict. | N | a limit at which an arrangement changes | 2015.04.13 00:08
187 | | authentic |
4 |
A authentic diamond can bear the cruelness of time. | ADJ | real, not false or copied | 2015.04.13 00:00
188 | | swiftly |
4 |
They will swiftly leave you behind by the nuts. | ADJ | moving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity; fleet; rapid: | 2015.04.02 16:31
189 | | comprehend |
4 |
I can't comprehend the reason why my friend do that kind of things. | V | get the meaning of something | 2015.03.26 18:39
190 | | threshold |
4 |
I thought I was in the threshold of a second life when I arrived in Canada. | N | the point just before a new situation, period of life, etc. begins | 2015.03.26 14:23
191 | | boast |
4 |
I don't like him because he always boast of his life | V | to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself. | 2015.03.21 21:07
192 | | inherent |
4 |
Conflicts are inherent in human's history. | ADJ | that is a basic or permanent part of sb/sth and that cannot be removed | 2015.03.19 13:28
193 | | threshould |
4 |
They famers who had been got new lands were on the threshould of their new lives. | N | the point just before a new situation, period of life, etc. begins | 2015.03.19 13:26
194 | | kin |
4 |
My kin is going to visit my hometown. | N | relatives, a person having kinshio with another or others. | 2015.03.18 14:28
195 | | plague |
4 |
The city in under threat from a plague of rats. | N | dangerous disease. | 2015.03.18 14:26
196 | | artificiality |
4 |
We should use artificiality leather instead of hurt animals. | N | made by people and used instead of something ntural | 2015.03.16 23:01
197 | | distress |
4 |
Although she had undergone three accidents during the last two days, she doesn't have any distress. | N | great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble. | 2015.03.15 13:40
198 | | monopoly |
4 |
The firms like Sinopec, PingAn Insurance, Citic are monopoly | N | A situation in which a single company owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. - | 2015.03.12 01:32
199 | | dividend |
4 |
The dividend of Bank of China this year is only 8% | N | The payment declared by the company to its shareholders | 2015.03.12 00:31
200 | | odour |
4 |
Ants can use odour organ to find their food which is deep under the soil. | N | the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form | 2015.03.10 09:41
201 | | protocol |
4 |
We need to sigh the contract or protocol before running a business together. | N | Rules determining the format; a code of correct conduct | 2015.03.10 09:35
202 | | obsession |
4 |
I am getting obsession on that girl who I met from internet even if I haven't met her. | N | an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone | 2015.03.10 09:34
203 | | odour |
4 |
Ants can use odour organ to find their food which is deep under the soil. | N | the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form | 2015.03.10 09:34
204 | | recurrence |
4 |
If you have a recurrence, talk to your doctor about getting a new biopsy before settling on treatment. | N | an occasion when something happens again | 2015.02.23 21:12
205 | | shatter |
4 |
The glass shattered when it hit the floor. | V | to (cause to) be broken into pieces, as by a blow: | 2015.02.05 01:44
206 | | scramble |
4 |
The boyscrambled quickly up the hill. | V | to climb using one's hands and feet, as up or down a hill: | 2015.02.05 01:43
207 | | explode |
4 |
The terrorists exploded the bomb. | V | to (cause to) burst violently: | 2015.02.05 01:37
208 | | seminar |
4 |
We chose her as the leader of our seminar since she was smart and energetic. | N | a group of college students and a teacher that study or discuss a particular subject | 2015.01.16 10:54
209 | | concession |
4 |
It was the final concession given by our boss that ended our tension between that company. | N | something which is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this | 2015.01.16 09:28
210 | | diminish |
4 |
Her new interest in computer diminished her passion for history. | V | to reduce or be reduced in size or importance | 2015.01.16 09:14
211 | | obedience |
4 |
children were taught to show their parents obedience | N | Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority | 2015.01.16 05:44
212 | | subordinate |
4 |
his subordinate officers | N | Lower in rank or position | 2015.01.16 05:43
213 | | mineral |
4 |
it identifies the mineral or compound present | N | A solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance: | 2015.01.16 05:40
214 | | refine |
4 |
sugar was refined by boiling it in huge iron vats | N | Remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process: | 2015.01.16 05:32
215 | | cultivated |
4 |
he was a remarkably cultivated and educated man | N | Refined and well educated | 2015.01.16 05:31
216 | | discard |
4 |
Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded | N | Get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable: | 2015.01.16 05:22
217 | | behalf |
4 |
he campaigned on behalf of the wrongly convicted four | N | In the interests of a person, group, or principle: | 2015.01.16 05:09
218 | | incline |
4 |
he was inclined to accept the offer | N | (usually be inclined to/towards/to do something) Be favourably disposed towards or willing to do something: | 2015.01.16 05:04
219 | | integral |
4 |
Every one’s participation is integral if we want to complete this mission. | ADJ | being an essential, necessary part of something | 2015.01.16 05:04
220 | | differentiate |
4 |
The diseases are too similar and even the doctors can’t differentiate the two of them. | V | to express, recognize, make the differences between things or people | 2015.01.16 05:03
221 | | utterly |
4 |
he looked utterly ridiculous | N | Completely and without qualification; absolutely: | 2015.01.16 05:03
222 | | verdict |
4 |
the jury returned a verdict of not guilty | N | her former boyfriend was convicted of assaulting her | 2015.01.16 03:18
223 | | pulse |
4 |
the doctor found a faint pulse | N | A rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically as felt in the wrists or neck | 2015.01.16 02:51
224 | | dull |
4 |
your diet doesn’t have to be dull and boring | N | Lacking interest or excitement | 2015.01.16 02:50
225 | | loop |
4 |
make a loop in the twine | N | A shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself | 2015.01.16 02:47
226 | | hammer |
4 |
Grip pressure should be firm but not tight - about the way you would grip a hammer's handle while driving nails. | N | A tool with a heavy metal head mounted at right angles at the end of a handle, used for jobs such as breaking things and driving in nails. | 2015.01.16 02:46
227 | | pinch |
4 |
she pinched his cheek | N | Grip (something, typically a person’s flesh) tightly and sharply between finger and thumb | 2015.01.16 02:42
228 | | gleam |
4 |
light gleamed on the china cats | N | hine brightly, especially with reflected light: | 2015.01.16 02:41
229 | | flick |
4 |
Ursula flicked some ash off her sleeve | N | Strike or propel (something) with a sudden quick movement of the fingers: - Max flicked his bow tie | 2015.01.16 02:36
230 | | knot |
4 |
tie a knot at the end of the cord | N | A fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or something similar on itself and tightening it: | 2015.01.16 02:35
231 | | straw |
4 |
This unique facility will be constructed with natural materials - plastered straw bale walls with a turf roof. | N | Dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, or weaving | 2015.01.16 02:26
232 | | blaze |
4 |
twenty firemen fought the blaze | N | A very large or fiercely burning fire | 2015.01.16 02:21
233 | | gasp |
4 |
a woman gasped in horror at the sight of him | N | Catch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment | 2015.01.16 02:16
234 | | dash |
4 |
I dashed into the garden | N | Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry | 2015.01.16 02:14
235 | | preliminary |
4 |
This is a meeting to discuss seating arrangements that was merely a preliminary to the formal negotiating sessions. | N | something that comes first in order to prepare for or introduce the main part of something else | 2015.01.15 23:28
236 | | flicker |
4 |
A TV was flickering in the background. | V | to burn or glow in an unsteady way : to produce an unsteady light | 2015.01.15 22:42
237 | | linger |
4 |
The tourists didn't linger very long. | V | to stay somewhere beyond the usual or expected time | 2015.01.15 22:29
238 | | inclination |
4 |
She shows no inclination to give in to their demands. | N | a feeling of wanting to do something : a tendency to do something - | 2015.01.15 22:22
239 | | endeavor |
4 |
The school endeavors to teach students to be good citizens. | V | to seriously or continually try to do (something) | 2015.01.15 22:10
240 | | scarcely |
4 |
He could scarcely control his joy. | Adv | almost not at al | 2015.01.15 22:00
241 | | incline |
4 |
She listened with her eyes closed and her head inclined. | V | to bend forward or to cause (something) to bend forward | 2015.01.15 20:17
242 | | cynicism |
4 |
Nothing could change her cynicism about politics. | N | beliefs that people are generally selfish and dishonest | 2015.01.15 20:13
243 | | resentment |
4 |
She bore bitter feelings of resentment toward her ex-husband. | N | a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair | 2015.01.15 20:12
244 | | courtesy |
4 |
They treated us with courtesy and kindness. | N | polite behavior that shows respect for other people | 2015.01.15 19:54
245 | | glare |
4 |
The sun glared down relentlessly. | V | to shine with a harsh, bright light - | 2015.01.15 19:52
246 | | brass |
4 |
The whole orchestra—the strings, percussion, woodwinds, and brass—began to play. | N | musical instruments (such as trumpets, trombones, and tubas) that are made of brass | 2015.01.15 19:29
247 | | matrix |
4 |
The wires all crossed each other and formed a matrix. | N | something (such as a situation or a set of conditions) in which something else develops or forms | 2015.01.15 19:21
248 | | bureaucrat |
4 |
The bureaucrats at the town hall seem to think that we need a building permit to build a tree house. | N | people who run a government or company and who does everything according to the rules of that government or conpany | 2015.01.15 19:15
249 | | lens |
4 |
Make sure the lens of the microscope is clean. | N | a clear curved piece of glass or plastic used in eyeglasses, cameras, telescopes, etc., to make things look clearer, smaller, or bigger | 2015.01.15 19:00
250 | | synthesis |
4 |
It is a philosophy that is a kind of synthesis of several schools of Western and Eastern thought | N | something that is made by combining different things (such as ideas, styles, etc.) | 2015.01.15 18:47
251 | | obstruct |
4 |
A large tree obstructed the road. | V | to block (something, such as a pipe or street) so that things cannot move through easily | 2015.01.15 18:42
252 | | affiliate |
4 |
Their group does not affiliate itself with any political party. | V | to associate as a member | 2015.01.15 18:34
253 | | bead |
4 |
Suddenly beads of perspiration moistened my shirt. | N | Like or being a small piece of glass, stone, or similar material | 2015.01.10 10:06