1 | | stationary |
7 |
House prices have been stationary for months. | ADJ | not moving, or not changing | 2019.12.01 13:01
2 | | insurmountable |
7 |
He has had highs of happiness at successes and lows of despair, at seemingly insurmountable difficulties | ADJ | Too great to be overcome. | 2019.08.27 12:56
3 | | contrive |
7 |
He contrived to live on a very small income | V | Find a way of doing something | 2019.08.08 09:31
4 | | glean |
7 |
So what can we glean from our collection of titles | V | Obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty. | 2019.06.26 14:18
5 | | soluble |
7 |
Not all problems are soluble, not all risks can be hedged at acceptable cost. | ADJ | (of a problem) able to be solved. | 2019.05.01 10:27
6 | | instill |
7 |
It is vital to instill an attitude of fitness at a young age. | N | Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind. | 2019.04.24 13:13
7 | | disparate |
7 |
Unusually, he shares his trade secrets by illustrating many of the disparate elements that inspire him. | ADJ | Essentially different in kind; not able to be compared. | 2019.04.03 13:09
8 | | covert |
7 |
You proceed with the covert actions, which I think are probably under way. | N | Not openly acknowledged or displayed. | 2019.04.03 12:48
9 | | burgeon |
7 |
His performance is burgeoning with awkwardness and extreme fear, conveyed in nuance and physical appearance. | V | Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. | 2019.03.25 14:40
10 | | artifact |
7 |
This movie shows its age through the many artifacts and imperfections present | N | Something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure. | 2019.03.25 14:14
11 | | disparate |
7 |
There was one thing that tied the disparate elements together - they were all pro-intervention. | N | Essentially different in kind; not able to be compared. | 2019.02.25 11:11
12 | | beak |
7 |
the beak of a hawk | N | a bird’s mouth | 2016.12.31 19:05
13 | | temperate |
7 |
Vancouver has a temperate climate. | ADJ | Of, relating to, or denoting a region or climate characterised by mild temperatures. | 2016.10.13 00:58
14 | | dredge |
7 |
They have already dredged the lake for finding out the Time-Turner | V | remove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water | 2016.10.10 12:45
15 | | misguided |
7 |
I was misguided to go to a wrong way by a strange female. | ADJ | poorly conceived or thought out | 2016.10.10 12:30
16 | | opaque |
7 |
it was pale, opaque plastic,the kind og thing Thomas had used. | ADJ | not letting light through: not transparent | 2016.10.09 21:41
17 | | reverberate |
7 |
i felt my body reverberate with it. | V | to become filled with a sound | 2016.10.09 21:22
18 | | grapple |
7 |
Soldiers grapple with their weapons. | V | fight | 2016.09.30 19:35
19 | | mucky |
7 |
Xxxxx is fucking mucky . | ADJ | Mucky means very dirty ,muddy or annoying | 2016.09.28 14:01
20 | | vanilla |
7 |
I like the French Vanilla coffee in Tim Hortons. | N | Vanilla is a kind of tasty herb ,use spreadly in food. | 2016.09.28 13:28
21 | | mechanization |
7 |
We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture. | N | to mechanize an industrial process | 2016.09.28 11:24
22 | | downright |
7 |
There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them. | N | thoroughgoing | 2016.09.26 23:29
23 | | lagoon |
7 |
A lagoon is like a pool | N | A body of water separated of sea for coral reefs or sand bars | 2016.09.26 20:11
24 | | obsolete |
7 |
Many obsolete electronic equipments can not be solved into the dump on time, that will cause the E-trash problem. | ADJ | can not be used any more, too old | 2016.09.26 19:33
25 | | obsolete |
7 |
Many obsolete electronic equipments can not be solved into the dump on time, that will cause the E-trash problem. | ADJ | can not be used any more, too old | 2016.09.26 19:33
26 | | outnumber |
7 |
Woman in a world outnumber man. | V | To be more numerous. | 2016.09.26 18:08
27 | | egalitarian |
7 |
The Education in Canada is egalitarian | N | Equal rigths and opportunities for everyone | 2016.09.26 18:05
28 | | radiator |
7 |
Tom fell asleep against the radiator. | N | heater consisting of a series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat room. | 2016.09.25 18:36
29 | | gadget |
7 |
Many computer gadgets are very useful. | N | a small useful device | 2016.09.23 08:21
30 | | egalitarian |
7 |
It is an egalitarian State in which each voice is equally weighted | N | supporting or following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities | 2016.09.21 10:51
31 | | aboriginal |
7 |
the issue of aboriginal land rights | ADJ | of, relating to, or typical of aborigines: - aboriginal customs. - original or earliest known; native; indigenous: - the aboriginal people of Tah | 2016.09.21 10:32
32 | | pessimistic |
7 |
we are pessimistic about our planet | N | Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen | 2016.09.19 09:40
33 | | ballad |
7 |
Her latest single is a ballad | N | A ballad is a long song or poem which tells a story in simple language. | 2016.05.18 00:55
34 | | devolve |
7 |
The senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides. | V | v.tr. - 1. To pass on or delegate to another. - - | 2016.05.18 00:53
35 | | seclusion |
7 |
The sunshine struck hot on his fur, soft breezes caressed his heated brow, and after the seclusion of the cellarage he had lived in so long | N | Seclusion is the act of secluding, i.e. shutting out or keeping apart from society, or the state of being secluded, or a place that is priva | 2016.01.14 12:27
36 | | recoil |
7 |
If humans to rely on machine, we will recoil to ourself. | V | to make a sudden movement away from something esp. because of fear or disgust | 2015.11.24 14:05
37 | | flinched |
7 |
I flinched after I heard sound from my new speakers | V | to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear | 2015.11.24 13:47
38 | | rudimentary |
7 |
He had only a rudimentary knowledge of French. | ADJ | 1.being or involving basic facts or principles - 2.being in the earliest stages of development - 3.not fully developed in mature animals | 2015.11.24 12:34
39 | | hydraulic |
7 |
New hydraulic model explains the operation principle of the machine clearly. - | ADJ | operated by or involving the pressure of water or some other liquid | 2015.11.24 08:52
40 | | coax |
7 |
I could coax my sister to save my secret | V | To influence or persuade (a person or animal) to do something by talking in a gentle and friendly way | 2015.11.24 08:32
41 | | recoil |
7 |
I recoiled in horror when the robot suddenly began to smoke. - | V | to move back because of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval) | 2015.11.24 08:25
42 | | recoil |
7 |
My car have the best recoil buffers | V | to move back suddenly | 2015.11.24 08:25
43 | | flinch |
7 |
The scientists never flinch when they are in a trouble. | V | to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened, or upset | 2015.11.23 23:30
44 | | recoil |
7 |
she recoiled in fear after dropping her iPhone and breaking her screen | V | suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust. | 2015.11.23 22:39
45 | | flinch |
7 |
He stares at them whithout flinching. | N | when some one is about to hit U and U do that sudden movement. | 2015.11.23 21:55
46 | | shrill |
7 |
Suddenly, a girl's shrill voice rises into sky. | N | ADJ a shrill sound is high-pitched and unpleasant. | 2015.11.23 21:38
47 | | hydraulic |
7 |
Those electric lights make use of hydraulic energy. | ADJ | operated by, moved by, or employing water or other liquids in motion | 2015.11.23 21:10
48 | | recoil |
7 |
She recoiled from his touch. | V | to draw back; start or shrink back, as in alarm, horror, or disgust | 2015.11.23 21:05
49 | | hydraulic |
7 |
This is why light oils are used as hydraulic fluids. | ADJ | operated by the pressure of a fluid | 2015.11.23 20:10
50 | | recoil |
7 |
we recoiled when we faced a big dog | V | to quickly move away from something that is shocking | 2015.11.23 19:58
51 | | flinched |
7 |
Sally flinched ,and be shamed of speechless after having a big trouble with her power point presentation | V | to draw back or shrink, as from what is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant. | 2015.11.23 17:50
52 | | recoil |
7 |
When I watch my child video ,it recoil me to the moment that he was a cute baby. | V | to draw back; start or shrink back, as in alarm, horror, or disgust | 2015.11.23 15:28
53 | | recoil |
7 |
Recoil from death is a nature self - preservation | V | to move back because of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval): | 2015.11.22 23:02
54 | | shrill |
7 |
I was awaked by the shrill alarm every morning. | ADJ | having a ‹loud and high ‹sound that is ‹unpleasant or ‹painful to ‹listen to | 2015.11.22 21:10
55 | | recoil |
7 |
People recoil who live near a nuclear power plant because they are concerned about health. | V | to draw back; start or shrink back, as in alarm, horror, or disgust. | 2015.11.16 22:08
56 | | shrill |
7 |
Audio equipment will sound shrill when a phone close it. | ADJ | high-pitched and piercing in sound quality | 2015.11.16 22:01
57 | | rudimentary |
7 |
This new employees have a rudimentary knowledge of how to use this kind of machine. | ADJ | basic | 2015.11.10 13:44
58 | | rudimentary |
7 |
You need to have rudimentary knowledge of how technology works to use your phone | ADJ | ‹basic | 2015.11.10 13:30
59 | | primate |
7 |
14 per cent of primate species are highly endangered. | N | A primate is a member of the group of mammals which includes humans, monkeys, and apes. | 2015.11.09 23:57
60 | | forage |
7 |
people forage every where in a famine | V | to go from ‹place to ‹place ‹searching, ‹especially for ‹food: | 2015.11.09 23:34
61 | | foraging |
7 |
We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the squirrel | V | When animals forage, they search for food. | 2015.11.09 22:14
62 | | rudimentary |
7 |
This shows that I have a rudimentary grasp of economics. | ADJ | Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory. | 2015.11.09 22:11
63 | | foraging |
7 |
The wild bear came into the village for foraging. | V | the act of searching for food and provisions | 2015.11.09 09:18
64 | | rudimentary |
7 |
I have only rudimentary knowledge of art. | ADJ | being or involving basic facts or principle | 2015.11.09 09:15
65 | | terrestrial |
7 |
This kind of terrestrial animal evolved from the sea. | N | (of animals) living on the land rather than in the water or air. | 2015.11.08 23:13
66 | | rudimentary |
7 |
I have only rudimentary knowledge of English | ADJ | basic or simple | 2015.11.07 22:16
67 | | terrestrial |
7 |
But by the end of the poem, he has become a character of extra- TERRESTRIAL proportions, a romantic sufferer carrying on his sh | ADJ | pertaining to, consisting of, or representing the earth as distinct from other planets. | 2015.11.02 15:37
68 | | terrestrial |
7 |
In January the commission said LightSquared could use its license for exclusive terrestrial purposes, | N | Zoology. living on or in the ground; not aquatic, arboreal, or aerial. | 2015.11.02 15:37
69 | | terrestrial |
7 |
Dr. Who is an extraterrestrial, whereas I am just a terrestrial. | N | terrestrial means relating to the planet Earth rather than to some other part of the universe | 2015.11.02 15:11
70 | | terrestrial |
7 |
Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals. | ADJ | living on or relating to land rather than water | 2015.11.02 15:08
71 | | nomadic |
7 |
Orangutans' lives are nomadic- they travel from place to place depending on food availability. | ADJ | relating to or characteristic of nomads or their way of life | 2015.11.02 14:58
72 | | flinch |
7 |
Flinch/n. cannot makes us to be successful,but courage can.The man didn't flinch/v. when he faced to the nurderer,because he was a policeman | V | to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear. | 2015.07.23 10:25
73 | | coax |
7 |
I found I could coax most cattle to walk through a chute. | V | to try to persuade someone to do something by gently asking or patiently encouraging the person. | 2015.07.23 10:13
74 | | recoil |
7 |
Like a wild animal, I recoil when people touch me. | V | To make a sudden movement away from something esp. because of fear or disgust | 2015.07.23 10:10
75 | | infrared |
7 |
infrared radiation is not harmful. | N | the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic wave frequencies below the visible range | 2015.04.16 11:44
76 | | idiom |
7 |
People use a lot of idiom in daily life. | N | a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language | 2015.04.16 11:35
77 | | excerpt |
7 |
This part was an excerpt from a scientific journal. | N | a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole | 2015.04.14 12:20
78 | | vulgar |
7 |
We should avoid vulgar language whenever we speak. | ADJ | not having or showing good taste; not polite, elegant or well behaved | 2015.04.14 09:27
79 | | sabotage |
7 |
it was an act of military sabotage. | N | (u) The act of doing deliberate damage to equipment, transpot, machines, etc. | 2015.04.13 20:50
80 | | erratic |
7 |
My brother has a very erratic live style. | ADJ | changing ofter or not following a regular pattern so that it is difficult to know what will happen next | 2015.04.13 00:02
81 | | hallmark |
7 |
The bottom of every piece of china has a hallmark to make sure whether it is true or not. | N | a typical feature | 2015.04.12 23:55
82 | | candid |
7 |
If you have a candid friend, your life will become easy. | ADJ | honest and direct, even when the truth is not pleasant | 2015.04.04 16:28
83 | | bonfire |
7 |
They celebrated the event by holding parades, lightning bonfires and setting off fireworks. | N | A large fire built outside for burning waste. People also have bonfires at parties or celebrations. | 2015.03.28 07:13
84 | | erroneous |
7 |
She let us the erroneous conclusion, so we are in the big problem. | ADJ | not correct; based on wrong information | 2015.03.26 14:35
85 | | misconception |
7 |
This misconception is far from the truth. | N | a wrong belief or opinion as a result of not understanding something | 2015.03.19 15:15
86 | | avalanche |
7 |
Before the avalanche, all of the tourists were informed. | N | a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain | 2015.03.19 13:20
87 | | covertly |
7 |
They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table. | Adv | secret | 2015.03.15 12:43
88 | | covet |
7 |
He covets his brother's laptop. She's been coveting the chance to have higher position in her company. | V | to want (something that you do not have) very much | 2015.03.13 23:40
89 | | cohesion |
7 |
I think the important issue is how to make the cohesion of classmates in this class. | N | the act or state of keeping together | 2015.03.10 12:08
90 | | coherence |
7 |
I extremely feel bad now becasue I recognized my whole essay which I submitted yesterday lacked coherence. | N | the situation in which all the parts of sth fit together well | 2015.03.10 12:02
91 | | jargon |
7 |
I don't like such as the technical jargon. | N | words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand | 2015.03.10 09:34
92 | | slippery |
7 |
Be aware of Jack, people say that he is slippery and selfish. | ADJ | cannot be trusted, have to be careful with and not reliable | 2015.01.16 10:55
93 | | remit |
7 |
the excess of the sentence over 12 months was remitted | N | Cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment) | 2015.01.16 05:25
94 | | culprit |
7 |
High cost and low efficiency is the main culprits of this business failure. | N | the reason, cause of something | 2015.01.16 05:05
95 | | postulate |
7 |
his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes | N | Suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief: | 2015.01.16 03:20
96 | | malicious |
7 |
The neighborhood chatterbox has again been spreading malicious gossip. | ADJ | having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person : having or showing malice | 2015.01.15 23:16
97 | | ardent |
7 |
He is an ardent science-fiction fan who has read virtually all of his favorite author's many works. | ADJ | having or showing very strong feelings | 2015.01.15 23:03
98 | | recoil |
7 |
We recoiled in horror at the sight of his wounded arm. | V | to quickly move away from something that is shocking, frightening, or disgusting : to react to something with shock or fear | 2015.01.15 22:44
99 | | throng |
7 |
He grabbed a megaphone and addressed the vast throng. | N | a large group of people | 2015.01.15 22:34
100 | | convulsive |
7 |
After a day of convulsive trading, the stock market was down 300 points. | ADJ | involving or causing a sudden violent shaking of the muscles in your body that you are unable to control | 2015.01.15 22:17
101 | | perplex |
7 |
Questions about the meaning of life have always perplexed humankind. | V | to confuse (someone) very much | 2015.01.15 21:57
102 | | cunning |
7 |
She was cunning enough to fool me. | ADJ | getting what is wanted in a clever and often deceptive way | 2015.01.15 21:49
103 | | envoy |
7 |
The president sent the secretary of state as his personal envoy to gain the support of the country's allies. | N | a person who is sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government | 2015.01.15 20:02
104 | | envoy |
7 |
The president sent the secretary of state as his personal envoy to gain the support of the country's allies. | N | a person who is sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government | 2015.01.15 20:02
105 | | contrive |
7 |
The prisoners contrived a way to escape. | V | to form or think of (a plan, method, etc.) | 2015.01.15 19:59
106 | | contrive |
7 |
The prisoners contrived a way to escape. | V | to form or think of (a plan, method, etc.) | 2015.01.15 19:59
107 | | shun |
7 |
He shuns parties and social events. | V | to avoid (someone or something) | 2015.01.15 19:50
108 | | immaculate |
7 |
She had an immaculate record of service. | ADJ | perfectly clean | 2015.01.15 19:28
109 | | concerto |
7 |
For a piece billed as towering, the Busoni concerto is actually pretty chatty. | N | a piece of music for one or more main instruments with an orchestra | 2015.01.15 19:02
110 | | refute |
7 |
The lawyer refuted the testimony of the witness. | V | to prove that (something) is not true | 2015.01.15 18:48
111 | | convent |
7 |
The nuns live in the convent. | N | a group of nuns who live together; also : the house or buildings they live in | 2015.01.15 18:40
112 | | narcotic |
7 |
i am addicted to narcotic. | N | a drug or other substance affecting mood or behavior | 2015.01.10 10:23
113 | | jargon |
7 |
stop use jargon in front of me. | N | special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession | 2015.01.10 10:17
114 | | obliterate |
7 |
the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind | V | wipe out | 2015.01.10 10:12
115 | | rebate |
7 |
If you are on a low income you may be able to claim a rebate on your rent and council tax | N | a partial refund to someone who has paid too much money | 2015.01.10 10:01
116 | | penal |
7 |
the campaign for penal reform | N | relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment of offenders under the legal system | 2015.01.10 09:53
117 | | engulf |
7 |
the cafe was engulfed in flames | V | to surround or cover it completely | 2015.01.10 09:50
118 | | exposition |
7 |
the exposition encompass all kind of goods | N | a large public exhibition of art or trade goods | 2015.01.10 09:47
119 | | chic |
7 |
A chic pendant dangle from his neck | ADJ | elegantly and stylishly fashionable | 2015.01.10 09:41
120 | | ardent |
7 |
an ardent baseball fan | ADJ | enthusiastic or passionate | 2015.01.10 09:33