Home > Keywords > English
KeyWords Extractor v. 2.2  
  The keywords of a text are more frequent in the text than in a reference corpus.
Input mode A: Type or paste small text (<50,000 words) below and click Submit_window

5000+ Wd Samples: Dracula | Love Story | Mutiny - Bounty | Jungle Book | Speckled Band |  

Reference corpus (for either input mode)    

Exceptions: Words to eliminate from analysis (e.g. proper nouns). [Type or Dbl-click in textarea]             PROPER BLOCKER
  And/or all mid-sentence caps  *

Input mode B:
Upload larger text files
(To max 10 MB, 1.5 million words, depending on traffic and processor)
1. ...on own drive; 2. Opt for PROPER BLOCKER *   and then   2.  
Last update 2020 March