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Range gives the distribution of words across a set of two or more texts. The texts can be comparable corpora, or subdivisions of a corpus, or texts supplied by a user

    1. Range for User Texts v.6.1 (Nov 2023) Current Development Version
    Upload 2 - 25 text files and see how many each word appears in (grouped as types, lemmas, or families).
    NEW in v.2: Sub-lists can be extracted based on frequency and range
    NEW in v.3: Size capacity doubled to 1 million words throughput; full column sorting
    NEW in v.4: (FEB 2020) data summarized in 'Range Profile'; formatting fixes
    NEW in v.4.1: (APR 2020) Text files can be uploaded in a single zip file
    NEW in v.5: (NOV 2020) Individal frequencies by text file; (OCT 2022) file throttling; proper noun elimination; (NOV 2023) Mean and Std Dev stats

    2. Range in a Corpus (2014)

    Original pre- lemma/family version for corpus not user text: compare three corpus-sets for presence for a particular word, chunk, or family: (1) Speech v. Writing in English, (2) Speech v. Writing in French, and (3) sub-sections of the Brown corpus at two grain sizes. Update: Lextutor main concordancer running separate files now duplicates this function with larger corpora (ex, BAWE Written with > 6 million words in 30 sub-corpora)

    3. Range in other routines

    French and English CONCORDANCERS v.9 provide range data for words/expressions across sub-corpora
    3.1 Related Text-Lex Compare
    This is a more directly pedagogical version of Range for Texts, with a Recycling Index with regard to the second/final text in a series + a selection of Demos with typical comparison pairs (different topic/different author, same topic/different author, etc.)

Range - Based on Heatley and Nation (1994) with several updates, latest obtainable here (bottom) - adapted here for Web by Tom Cobb - Université du Québec à Montréal